Edge of Desire (Sequel) Countdown

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Aliyana pov

"Wake up!!!" I heard Craig scream as he shook me. I jumped out of my skin.

"Craig!" I said shoving him angrily.

"Come on its Friday are you not happy!?" He screamed. He cheesed hard. I looked at him like he's crazy.

"Yeah happy this is my last day of work till the weekend." I said getting out of bed. I put my hair in a ponytail.

"It's Friday!" He said running around to the side of my bed.

"June 3rd" he said trying to hint to me. He rolled his eyes.

"Monday Jacob and Naosha come down to Cali!" He squealed. My eyes widened.

"You're kidding me?!" I said smiling. He shook his head. I ran to my calendar. He was right. On June 6th a heart was drawn around it and a million X's and O's. I looked at him speechless.

"My baby is coming back." I ran out the room downstairs. Of course seeing Rayan in our kitchen. Him and Tia lived right next door but our fridge is where he is every time he comes over.

"RAY RAY RAY!" I squealed hugging him. He put the milk carton down hugging back.

"What's going on?" He asked confused.

"Jacob comes back Monday." I said jumping up and down.

"Okay okay calm the fuck down!" He laughed. I let go of him.

"Six months Ray!" I said pulling my hair. I couldn't believe it. After we left I couldn't handle my self. For a month I cried and was miserable. Craig always tried to cheer me up but it wouldn't work out. Especially in college. I was doing horrible until I got my job at the surf shack. I met new people and was entertained by my Hawaiian friend Claire.

She was a spunky 21 year old with a lot of hobbies. Every day after work she would either be surfing , painting, photography or going out on dates. She's been trying to hook me up but I always have to remind her I have Jacob.

Ray hasn't been in many of my classes but we still try to hang out like In A team. Sometimes he would be with Tia and I can't get mad at him. That's his girl. But I do wish we could hang a little more. Ray doesn't work yet because well. He has the worst temper. He did work at the surf shack until he broke a little kids board because the little boy kept hitting him with it. Then he worked at Starbucks but the machine wasn't working and he broke the whip cream machine. And his last job was at a daycare and he quit on the spot cause of all the kids.

Tia works in the LA Detective system and usually her or Craig helps us with college work. I would visit there house but I feel like they're usually doing some..nasty things. Last time I went over I heard unpleasant moans and ran back across the street.

Chresanto has been traveling a lot across the states but always comes back after a while. He's trying to explore and find himself. He's brought back a lot of stories whenever he comes back. He comes back from Flroida Sunday and I can't wait to hear how it is there.

Craig's career skyrocketed and well he works at home usually. He's always bringing over celebrities and I'm star struck by the amount of celebrities I've met. So far Jay Z Diggy and Jaden Smith have come over and I'm usually speechless. But overall me and crush keep each other company with movies games and making dinner like having taco night.

I wonder what Jacob has been up too. I haven't talked to him in a week because of school and work. But Monday I'm taking off for him.

"So what should we do ? Throw a party for them?" He said drinking out the milk jug. I snatched it from him.

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