Unforgivable Blackness

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Aliyana pov

I sat in the waiting room of Harlem Hospital. I held the ice pack to my head sniffling. My eyes were puffy from crying, my head throbbing from my fall and my conscious taunting me inside and out. I watched as Naosha and Craig entered the waiting room. They went to the desk.

"I got a call for a Jacob Perez I'm his emergency contact." She said panicking. I watched as Craig turned to me he looked worried. He tapped Naosha but she was busy.

"Is he okay ?" The lady at the desk nodded.

"Yes. He was brought here by this young lady here." They pointed time she turned to me running. Craig shook his head. But followed behin.

"Aliyana." She hugged me tight I winced.

"Easy easy." I said in pain. She let go dragging a chair and sitting Infront of me.

"Are you okay? What happened to Jacob? What happened to you?" I watched as Craig took a seat by me on my left.

"It's a lot to explain." I said looking down shamefully.

"Jacob Perez." We heard a lady say. We looked up and stood walking to her. Craig held my arm walking me so I wouldn't stumble.

"Is he okay?" Naosha asked.

"The bullet hit him in his left shoulder and a lot of blood loss and shock of the bullet it caused him to become unconscious. We have extracted the bullet and patched and sewn up the hole. We put him to sleep so all we can do is let time take the course and hope he's okay. He's very lucky from the looks of it they aimed for the heart." She said flipping through clip board papers.

"He will have to wear a sling but other then that he's fine." We sighed in relief.

"You can all see him in. A bit as we prepare his room so please sit tight. Naosha and Craig turned to me.

"Care to explain now?" Craig asked. I sighed. No way around this.

"Fine but you can't tell anyone." Sitting down eyes were on me. I cleared my throat.

"You see. I'm not from Detroit like I've been lying about. I actually live 14th street in Manhattan." I said looking up for reactions.

"I live in this drug dealer lord's home. Along with many many other people." I set my eyes to the floor.

"He uses us as slaves for people as well as his own dirty work. "

"Me I'm a drug dealer. I deliver drops. My best friend in the home a male prostitute. And there's so many more jobs." I closed my eyes.

"Jacob found me roaming in Harlem planing my big drop I was assigned. He offered to take me in his home, offered to take care of me and I was scared. I'm not use to being cared for."

"So he took me in. And while at Naosha's house he found the bag of drugs."

"I didn't want him to know. Didnt want anyone to know."

"He sooner or later figured out my past along with Chresanto and then he offered to help me make the drop. Then he got shot and-" I broke out in tears.

"It's all my fault" I cried. I felt a hand rub my back as Naosha held my hands in. Hers.

"It's not your fault. Jacob wanted to help." She said softly.

"You're not mad?" I asked wiping my tears.

"No. Why would I ?" She asked.

"Because I lied about myself." I sniffled. She shook her head.

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