Come Back

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Aliyana pov

I was busy with Craig last minute shopping for our little get together and the house for Chres. He landed this morning and is probably knocked on the couch. We decided to take it as opportunity to get some stuff.

"Say tomorrow is the big day." I heard Craig say. I looked up from my phone to see his big smile. I laughed feeling myself float. I loved that thinking about Jacob made me feel that way.

Going through the aisles riding the shopping cart with Craig like kids was fun. I laughed taking all types of stuff. I stopped at the freezer remembering the cookies n cream ice cream Jacob made me try. I smiled taking a container. He really had a charm.

"Let's get cocktail shrimp." I saw as Craig ran standing on the bar of his cart rolling away. I followed laughing. At the register I got a text from Claire.

C- Money "I'm ready but you think I can get a ride?"

Me "sure text me your address"

"Hey Craig can we stop by my friends house ?" I asked him unloading stuff out our carts.

"Yeah sure."

Claire's pov

I sat in the back seat feeling awkward you know. When you're with a friend and don't know her friends or housemate.

"Claire this is Craig." My jaw dropped.

"I heard of you my little brother talks about you 24/7" I said in shock. I know he was familiar.

"Really? Maybe from my EP." He said chuckling. He was a pretty handsome fella.

"Yeah his girlfriend is coming down with Jacob tomorrow." I watched as he smiled shyly blushing. There goes my chances.

"That's so cute." I said a little jelly. Everyone had someone but me no I had no one. I looked out a little saddened by all this love in the air and I'm not catching nothing.

"Really everyone is cuffed but me?" I asked. Craig whispered to Aliyana and she gasped hitting him in the arm.

"You stole my idea." She turned to me from the passenger seat.

"Chres is single." She said smirking. I folded my arms.

"What makes you think I'll like this chres fellow?" I said raising a brow.

"Chres is trying to settle down first of all. He's traveled the country for experience and everything and outside of the US too. He's finally settling down and you're a good look as wifey." she said winking. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah unless he comes back with a Hispanic girlfriend or some Asian girl from New Orleans or-"

"Shut up and give it a chance he's as cute as a puppy." She said gushing. I thought about it a while. We pulled up to what looked like a hotel but was Craig and Naosha's house. I gasped.

"Yeah I know." He said chuckling. I stepped out unaware of where to go.

"Okay so Chres is probably in the shower I told him to get ready and Rayan and Tia are inside preparing the place." Aliyana said to Craig.

We walked inside the house and I was immediately taken back by the elegance. It was sorta decorated with the aroma of food escaping the kitchen.

"Hi" I heard a cheery voice go. In came a tall girl with brown skin and red lips.

"Who's this?" Aliyana introduced us.

"Tia This is Claire Claire Tia." I put my hand out to shake it but ended up getting pulled in a hug.

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