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Ray Pov

I laid in bed. Thinking about my day. My life my loved ones. I thought of how life would be if I had someone who cared. My dad sure as hell didn't after what he did to me. I threw my hand ball at the wall and caught it. I did it over and over again. It sure was boring without Liyana here. I missed her more then I thought I would. I mean at first I was hype cause you know she'd be gone and no on will wake me up in the middle of the afternoon when I'm taking a nap and in the morning when I'm relaxing. Now I wake up too late to work and co captain on my floor gets upset and threatens to tell boss.

"Whore Call." I heard on the speaker. It was time for work. You may not know but the Prostitution in A Team Was Different. We had a certain number of whores in the house all specially trained all different. Diverse.. When its around 8am we go out and hang in the whore room with buyers. This is where they can buy us for as long as they desire. I went into the shower making sure i was clean. I needed some extra cash I needed a high bider. I let the hot water drain me. Preparing to soil my body to another girl. Ive never been called by a guy. Thank god. Maybe I'm not gays type. I began to dress my self in a fitted black v neck and army cargos. I wore my dog chain and some black converses.

Walking to the whore room I see everybody else dressed nice. Looks like I'm not the only one in search of work. They let the women. My eyes scattered then. They came in as they were given rules by one of the guards. I watched the women looking for someone who would at least make my day start pleasant. And like on cue a brown skinned devil came in black high waisted shorts and wedges. A white blouse that was tucked in and a black cardigan sweater. Her lips were a dark red from her lipstick. She wore black round shades. I licked my lips as I scanned up her legs. Her shape was enticing as her natural brown twists were all curled resting on her shoulder. I watched as she took off the shades her eyes locked on mine as mine did hers.

"Now just remember if two of you want to buy the same guy whoever is willing to pay the most gets him." He cleared his throat.

" Now you're free to see who you would like but no touching under any circumstances without payment." The guard said. All of the guys got up off the couch. As did I. I watched the brown skinned girl as she eyed me. But trailed herself to another guy. I clenched my jaw as she talked to him. As two women came up to me. Not as pretty as the other girl.

"How much for him?" The white woman said turning to the guard.

"Rayan? $150" the guard said walking towards us.

"I'll pay $175" the Hispanic lady said. The white lady seemed highly peeved as she shoved the girl.

"$200" she said eagerly. The Hispanic lady checked her wallet.

"$225" she said throwing the money in the white lady's face. The white lady looked furious.

"I'll pay $400 for him" another voice said. They both turned around to my brown skinned Maiden. She walked towards me.

"No touching till payment." The guard said. She whipped out the wad of hundreds pulling out four.

"You have to be the highest bid." The guard said sternly. She laughed.

"You ladies Plan on bidding higher then me or Must I go up a few hundreds?" She said with a glare. In her eyes. The ladies backed up as she stepped towards me stepping on the Hispanic ladies petty money. At least that's probably what it was to her.

"Come on now. " I nodded. Following her.

"Here big boy." She smacked the guard in the chest with the money.

"you have to clock out Ray." he said sternly. I quickly went to the door and stuck my card in the out section as we walked out. I bit my lip hard as I watched her up and down. She was on the phone.

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