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Aliyana pov

We entered a Large building. People were going crazy around the place. Tia walked frantically dodging the many people. We turned the corner to a big crowd of people tearing down a door. Or trying at least.

"Crap." She led us through alot f hallways and stair cases then to another door. Typing in a pass code we passed through seeing a group of people and a man yelling. They looked up angrily at Tia.

"Hello Ms Tia what can I get you coffee? Frappe? A new job?" The guy said Jacob held my hand pushing me behind him. He was very protective. I watched slightly from behind his arm. I watched as Ray glared at him. I knew ray wouldn't try anything risky as to calming down Tia but she was going to blow. She took a deep breath

" are out of control. But it doesn't matter. My job isn't priority." She shoved him out the way.

"Ladies and gentlemen.... My name is Tia. Agent 501." She walked towards her computer.

"Now I invited you here today because of the situation going on in the streets. Drugs. Prostitution. Diseases and possibly the future of children and teens and the future generation." She walked to Ray gesturing him to come. He stood tall and proud.

"My name is most of you know I told my story when I first came here..." He looked at me. Then back at the crowd.

"Being a neglected child by my family and parents I wasn't all too happy and I was suffering. I only had myself." He said sadly.

"I stayed at an orphanage and well nobody wanted a nappy headed kid with two braids and wore goggles on his head." They laughed.

"Yeah I know I was little tho." He said laughing that he got serious.

"I was walking from the orphanage and I saw this man and he promised me everything. "

"He promised me a home , food...and what I never had but wanted most...a family."

"I joined and my first day there the women in the house gave me sad looks. I watched them naming them like a real family. Guessing their names and imaging my new life."

"thats Aunty Celia Aunty Jackie and Aunty Karen. I said to myself. Then I saw some men shook their heads. I was so lost. But continued."

"that will be Uncle Harry and Uncle George. i said to myself"

" I saw kids and claimed them as my brothers and sisters. I couldn't wait. I had a family. But they looked frightened. He gave me a room. Said to stay there and wait for my first customer..."

"Customer?" A dark skin lady asked Ray. He snapped out of his bubble.

"Yeah customer..."

"A tall medium brown woman came in and I thought she would be my mother. Maybe she is ? I looked at her smiling big. And said the stupidest thing.

"I'm your new son. I'm apart of the family." She watched me and left the room. I figured I scared her and went to run after her but a man pushed me back in and came with another woman." He swallowed the lump in his throat.

"She touched me and grabbed me in places. I'd scream and she'd hit me and then she finally got fed up and left."

"the boss came back and beat me. Said to not scream and dont hut back if i wanted to live. And that night I lost my virginity. "

"He manipulates you. Like he knows you and you don't even know it. He tricked me. After my experience every time I tried to leave A Team he'd send a guard to get me and I'd get whooped." He lifted his shirt to familiar scars I was use to seeing on ray due to him telling me this story before. The group gasped.

The A Team (Jacob Perez Story)Where stories live. Discover now