Finding Out

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Jacob pov

"So you and Josephine?"

"Done." I said blandly. I laid back in my seat. Feeling better then before. I

still couldn't eat or sleep but I felt better.

"And the other girl?" Chres asked me munching on his Doritos. Greedy ass

nigga...those are my Doritos too....

"At Naosha house." I said dryly. He looked at me.

"You sound like death man." He said crumpling the back and licking his fingers.

"Well Chres I need help I invite you over and all you can do is full your fat

ass with my snacks" I yelled. He placed his palms up.

"Calm down." He said calmly.

"Look I'm not good with relationships but my Nigga Craig is that mushy gooey

lovey dovey type and can help you out." He said chewing with his mouth full. I

though a while Craig sounds familiar. It couldn't be Naosha Craig?

"Craig...he got blonde hair?" I asked as he put the phone to his ear.

"Yeah you know him?" I shook my head.

"Naosha does surprisingly. He works at her school. She had to take a performing

arts class and picked singing and-"

"Craig sings. Yeah he ain't a fruity nigga tho. He's pretty cool. He actually

has a pretty good job. He made a song and some performance at radio city music

hall wants to use it in there performance but with no agent no manager he wasn't

able to get the deal so interscope records wants to sign him." Chres said

waiting for him to pick up.

"He's not answering." He said looking at his phone. Wow was Naosha wrong about

him. That boy has his whole future ahead of him and she doesn't even know it.

Told her she should've just accepted the date.

"Man Naosha tight." I said rubbing my hand through my curls.

"Why she like him?"

"Nah Craig liked her and asked her out a lot of times but he asked her one more

time and got violated with a door slam. He even sang to her she told me." Chres

sucked his teeth.

"Sang? And she said no?" I nodded. He locked his phone.

"Well that explains a lot. He doesn't take being shut down from singing pretty

easily." He said dropping his phone beside.

"But enough about him and Naosha what about you and what's her name?" Chres


"Pink? We good I mean I'm not sure if I like her as much as I liked Josephine."

I said folding my arms laying back on the couch.

"Why you say that?"

"I mean me and Josephine been through a lot and its hard to forget but she said

I've fallen for Pink and I don't even know it." I said angrily.

"Calm down man just what do you see in pink?" He asked me.

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