Anger Regret Ashamed

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Rayan pov

I heard Aliyana's screams. I couldn't take it. For the last hour Jacob has been cleaning her wounds In his bathroom. I couldn't stop getting angry with myself. I heard her cries. I peeked inside the bathroom. She hasn't stopped crying since we got here.

"Pink I'm one armed here."

"I can help." I walked in. She was so vulnerable. Couldn't help herself. I picked her up revealing her back.

"This may sting." He said sincerely.

"I'm so sorry."

"No no." I watched as he whipped the cuts and bruises on her back. She screamed. The cuts looked deep. She clawed at my back but I didn't care.

"It's okay it's okay." I mumbled to her. I pecked her forehead. I helped the guy put band aids and bandages on her cuts. I took a tissue. And whipped her face. I let her blow her nose and all.

"Can I take a bath please..." She crocked barely audible.

"I feel dirty." She stuttered. I nodded.

"Can she take a bath man?" Jacob looked down.

"Yeah yeah." He said lost. He seemed to be in thought. He stepped out. I set Aliyana on the counter and turned on the water making sure it was warm.

"I'll just-" she shook her head.

"Stay." She cried. I turned around so I didn't see her body. It'd be awkward for me.

"You can turn around." I turned and saw the red of the water and bubble suds.

"How could I let this happen." I said to myself. I covered my face holding back all I could.


"I'm sorry." She said on verge of tears.

"I'm sorry I shooed you away for my selfish needs and wants." She said sniffling.

"I'm sorry I abandoned you." She snarled at herself.

"Just like my mother." I covered my eyes. The guilt was eating me.

We sat I silence the rest of the time she spent in the tub. I sat on the counter. Jacob knocked.

"Man can I talk to you?" I looked at him then Ali.

"It's fine I'm getting out now." She said lowly. Feeling ashamed.

We walked out and into a living room.

"Listen Rayan. I don't want Aliyana going back to A team. I don't care if I die trying this was the last straw." He said sternly.

"I'm not trying to come between your friendship but after tonight I can't take it. I hate seeing her hurt like this." He snapped.

"They raped her!" He screamed.

"I agree." I said lowly. He turned to me confused.

"You are?" I stood from the couch.

"Look I've been trying to tell Aliyana but I've been seeing this lady and she is planing on busting out everyone in a team." I said lowly.

"We could be out around the end of the month if I just keep up with the information and she keeps her end of the bargain but.." Jacob raised a brow.

"But?" He said waiting for me to continue.

"We need the rest of her team to agree. Something that will convince them to start the mission."

"I know this sounds so wrong but if Aliyana gives her experience to those people and what happened to her today to them maybe they will continue. She has a horrid past." He said in a whisper.

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