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Ray pov

I sat in my room at A Team. I was kinda upset I couldn't spend as much time as I thought I would with Tia. She was one fine girl. Her legs are real smooth and slender. But what really was getting to me was the fact I could be dead any moment. These men were planing to kill everyone and everything I ever knew. I couldn't lay her and just do nothing. And Tia really had me thinking about boss. And how he had us prostituting , drugged up, diseased and hurt. I always thought A team was good for me. Good for others. Then I realized the actually horror behind it. Yesterday night. Customers ...innocent customers are killed hiding us from other drug houses and some of a team themselves are taken hostage. Today the guards realized the boy never came back. An investigation was underway under

the protection of A Team guards and I was to sit and be good? According to Tia....I would raise suspicion in the house.

" Rayan your usual is here." I heard the loud speaker echo in the walls of my room. Honestly I haven't had sex since yesterday and haven't had good sex in four and I'm so god damn horny I'd stick my shit in a tree so it better be a good usual. I got up and went to shower. Had to always make sure I was clean for the clients. Maybe it was the Hispanic lady that always comes here or Jessibell the girl it try's out all the a team guys. Maybe even a lowkey freak or a stripper. Mmmm just thinking about

it. I felt my body heat up.

Getting out the shower I dry myself and put on my black tank and chain. Putting on cargos and my jeans jacket I sprayed myself with cologne and walked downstairs. Face to face with Tia. I turned around and banged at the wall highly irritated.

"Hi Rayan." She said finishing up her conversation with the guard and laughing with him. Then she walked over to me.

"Come let's get you out these clothes." She said pressing her hands on my chest rubbing down. I groaned internally. God damn it. She took my hand and led me out as I placed my card in the check out slot. When we reached outside she let go fast.

"Okay so we have some planning to do." She said walking. Her heels clicking as she walked. I saw as she entered her car and I followed. I rubbed my hands down my face and slumped into my chair.

"What's wrong?" She asked me. I shook my head. In reality I was pissed. Tia cool and all but she buying me and teasing me and don't even mean too. I mean I'm fine with a little tease if I get some after but this tease always led to nothing. Not to mention she takes me away from my pleasurable clients who will actually fuck me. I tried to get it off my mind as she talked about today's plans for the trapping.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ at Tia's house~~~

"Okay so describe to me what you saw yesterday. " she asked me. I leaned back into the couch.

"Well I was walking to Mr Proy's daughters house. You know to deliver some drugs. And she lived on the highest floor but couldn't get up there cause you know elevator was taking way too long to come. So I figured it wasn't working. So I jogged upstairs and stopped before I reached the last stair case to see a girl and about five guys. The girl was held by one guard. he had gloves in his hand, another guard had weapons and the last one kept look out. I heard as they yelled at her about where she got something. Then a guard brought a little bag with the A team symbol and she refused to tell him. So a guard brought in a kid and he was bleeding from his forehead. They dropped his body and I watched as they killed the girl. But she began to point to me and I ran with the guards and the man on my back. I hid in the corner store. That store clerk showed me where

to hide and got his life took for me." I said lowly. She watched me as I balled up my fists.

"Then he said he'll kill every one I ever knew with every dying breath." I said

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