Chapter 1 - New Friends

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"Dipper, stop dragging behind!" Mabel, my twin sister whined, stopping in her tracks.

"Yeah, yeah." I mumbled, walking a little faster to catch up to her. I liked school and all, but waking up so early for it left me grumpy and drowsy in the morning. It was pretty annoying.

"You seem weird today. You alright?" She asked, playfully punching my shoulder.

"Ow." I whined, holding my shoulder.

"Sorry, I punch hard." She laughed. "But seriously, what's up?"

"You know I'm tired in the mornings." I yawned, rubbing my eyes.

"Well yeah, but you seem a bit fidgety." She shrugged.

"How so?" I asked.

"I have twin senses. I can sense when your fidgety." Mabel made binoculars with her hands and looked at me through them. "I'm a twin patrol officer."

"Twin patrol?" I smiled, amused by how childish she still was at the age of 18.

"Yeah, now tell me!" She whined.

"I just... feel like I'm being watched." I said quietly.

"WHO'S THERE!?" Mabel stopped and yelled.

"What are you doing!?" I hissed.

"Trying to find whoever is stalking you." She replied. "COME-" She yelled again but I quickly covered her mouth.

"Mabel, stop!" I hissed.

"Whmf dmf ymf-" She said but I couldn't hear her as she was muffled by my hand.

"What?" I asked, taking my hand away. "And don't yell please."

"Why do you get the feeling someone's watching you?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips.

"I just do. I get this cold feeling on the back of my neck, and I see shadows." I said, shivering.

"That's weird. How long have you felt like this?" She asked.

"All day so far. I hope it goes away soon." I said worriedly.

"Same. Well, for you I mean." She smiled.

The day passed in what seemed like a second, as I found myself standing at my locker, putting some books away. I suddenly felt like I was being watched again, so I whipped around but noone was there. I gulped and turned back to my locker to put my remaining books in there as quickly as possible.

"Hey, Pinetree." Someone whispered in my ear.

"SHIT!!" I sat upright in my bed. I panted heavily and ran a hand through my hair, looking around. "I-It was just a dream." I whispered to myself, relieved. I had been having the same reoccuring dream almost every night for the past week, and it was starting to really get to me. I couldn't focus in class and I hardly ate or slept. I would always tell myself it was just a dream but I was so freaked out about it for no reason.

"J-Just go back to sleep." I said to myself, slowly leaning back into my pillow and closing my eyes.

I didn't fall back asleep, and before I knew it it was already morning.

"Dipper, time to get up!" Mabel's high pitched voice echoed throughout the house. She could be in any room and it still sounded like she was yelling in my ear.

'Time to get up I guess.' I thought to myself, sighing and standing up on my wobbly legs. Being sleep deprived was really affecting my body.

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