Chapter 26 - Phone Call

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"Dipper~?" A cheery voice called from the door.

I had been sitting down on the couch watching a movie when Mabel had finally got home. I checked my phone which read 10:30pm. Getting home this god damn late... Grumbling, I stood up and walked to the front door, flinging it open to reveal a guilty looking Mabel.

"H-Hey, broski!" She smiled nervously.

I simply shot her a disgusted, unimpressed expression which resulted in her smile faltering and turning into a slight frown.

"What's the matter?" She asked. I pulled her inside and closed the door, placing my hands on my hips and looking at her with narrowed eyes.

"'What's the matter?'" I repeated. "What do you think is the matter?" I growled.

"What, because I went out and missed the first day of school? Sheesh. It's my life. You're not my mum; or my dad for that matter." She rolled her eyes, walking towards her bedroom.

"That isn't the point, Mabel." I sighed. "I'm you're brother, and if you're out and being stupid instead of focusing on your future, your life is going to be a mess! I'm sorry I care."

"It's my life." She hissed, glaring at me. "Why are you so worked up about it!?"

I sighed angrily and ran a hand through my hair. "Don't worry about it, it's in the past." I huffed. "But you need to give me notice before you go out and stuff. I live with you after all, so that's another reason for me to worry." I said.

"Okay, here's some notice. I'm going on a camp tomorrow." She smiled, walking into her room and closing the door.

"W-What!?" I exclaimed, barging into her room. "You can't go on a camp during a school week!"

"Why not?" She chuckled.

"W-Well, why would you!?" I snapped. "You had all holidays and you have weekends for that kind of stuff. You haven't even notified the school you're going on a vacation-"

"Shutup." She groaned. "These holidays it's not like I had much time anyway. We had the bullying and demon fiasco, plus Christmas and all that-"

"Are you trying to blame me for you not going out with your friends because I was killed and transformed into a demon!?" I yelled, clenching my fists.

"No, I'm just-" She let out a frustrated breath. "Look it doesn't matter. I'm just a bit... I don't know I feel a bit off, stressed and weird at the moment. I just wanted some time to relax and loosen up before going back to school. Sorry." She mumbled.

I released some tension in my stance and looked at her, letting out a sigh. "I guess. Sorry for getting so worked up about nothing. Do what you want.." I grumbled.

She smiled and gave me a hug. "Now get out of my room, pervert." She slapped my arm and I chuckled, walking out of her room and going back to the couch to finish my movie.

But my mind kept wandering back to the Mabel situation. She was acting so weird and reckless, it was so unlike her. And I was still angry with her too. I don't care how stressed you are, do you really think it's a wise idea to go on a random camp on the first week of school without any plans or notice? Maybe I was being too controlling... She was my baby sister (even though by rights she was older), and I didn't want to let her go.

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