Chapter 21 - The Game Already Ended

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"So your bed's ready?" I put my hands on my hips, admiring Soos' blow up mattress set up on the floor.

"Yep. Thanks again dude for letting me stay-"

"Are you serious? More like thank you to you for coming to visit! I'm so happy you're here." I grinned.

Soos smiled back and looked down at his bed, sighing. "Anyway, I better get some sleep to get used to the timezones while I'm here."

"Yeah." I laughed. He had fallen asleep at around 3pm that day because of jet lag. We drew a bunch of shit on his face and he wasn't very happy; he still has a bit of marker below his ear that he doesn't know about.

"See you tomorrow, thanks again." Soos nodded.

"Good to have you back, Soos. Goodnight." I waved, going back to my room. I closed the door and sighed, looking at the bed where Bill was lying, looking at the ceiling.

"Hey." I smiled.

He glanced and me and sat up with a goofy grin on his face.

"Hey!" He said, almost excitedly.

"Sorry about that, Soos needed some help with his bed and all-" I said, walking to my bed. Before I could finish my sentence Bill grabbed me by the front of my shirt, pulling me forward and kissing me unexpectedly. He pulled away and grinned at me as I just stared at him, a bit dazed.

"N-Nice." Was all I managed to blurt out. He giggled and pulled me onto the bed, sitting next to me.

"So what happens now?" Bill asked, really excited for some reason.

"With what?" I chuckled. He was so cute, jittering around like an overexcited child about to go to Disneyland or something.

"With us! L-Like I've read alot about relationships and stuff but like... WOW, I never read anything about same gender stuff. I thought only boys and girls could get together, I never knew this was even possible! I'm kind of excited to be honest because at first I was worried I was a weirdo but- well we are both demons and that kind of stuff doesn't matter there... but you know-"

"Calm down! Geez." I laughed. "Same-sex stuff is normal, just not a lot of people like it and accept it."

"Why?" Bill cocked his head in confusion. "What's the difference?"

"The difference is, they're idiots, and we aren't." I shrugged innocently. "Nah but, there is no difference. It's just... part of their religion I guess. Same gender relationships prevents repopulating the earth because you need a man and a woman for that- Well, assuming you know what sex is. If you don't this will be a very awkward conversation." I said nervously.

"I know what it is." Bill nodded. "There are some really educational videos out there you know-"

I cleared my throat awkwardly, blushing and looking at him like 'dude, don't explain please'. He just laughed.

"But... I'm just excited because I thought I was weird for me to like you, and I was really paranoid I wasn't doing something right or I wasn't cut out to be a human. Now that I know it's okay, I feel so much better. Also, love isn't nearly described as well as it feels because I feel absolutely amazing right now." He grinned.

"Me too." I smiled. "But uh, maybe we should keep this a secret for now." I said quietly.

"Whaaat!?" Bill gasped. "I can't do that!" He pouted.

"I just mean-"

"Wait, are you saying you're scared to tell people because you're unsure of me..?" Bill trailed off, looking at me sadly.

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