Chapter 4 - Human

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"Triangulum, entangulum. Veneforis dominus ventium. Veneforis venetisarium."

I sat upright in bed, sweating and panting like almost every other night, except today's dream was slightly different...

"You don't remember anything that happened at all?" Mabel said, muffled by her cereal.

"All I remember is some words in some other language. Sounded like latin." I sighed, mixing my cereal with a spoon. I wasn't really hungry. These dreams were making me lose my sleep and appetite.

"Why don't you look up what they mean then? Maybe it will give you an idea or something." She suggested. I looked at her for a while then blinked.

"Why didn't I think of that?" I scoffed, standing up and running to my room.

"'Cause you're an idiot!" She called as I ran.

I sat down at my desk and went onto a translating website, but then my mind went blank. I had forgotten every single word that I had said in the dream.

"Fuck!" I cursed under my breath, smashing my head onto the desk.

"What's up?" Mabel poked her head though my doorway as I lifted my head off my desk.

"I forgot all the words." I groaned, facepalming myself.

"Sucks to be you." She stuck out her tongue and skipped off. "Anyway, I'm going to the mall today so have fun doing what you're doing." She called from her bedroom.

"What?" I called back, swinging around in my chair.

She walked to my doorway, putting on some large, gold, triangular earrings. "I said I'm going to the mall." She rolled her eyes.

"Woah, are you skipping out on school?" I asked excitedly. Mabel has never done anything like this before; she was so pure.

"It's a pupil free day dummy." She sighed.

"W-What?" I said in horror.

"Pupil. Free. Day." She said slowly.

"You mean I could have been sleeping right now!?" I yelped.

"Yep! Bye!!" She laughed, running down the hall.

I groaned and hung my head back on the back of the chair. I heard the door slam as Mabel left and I started thinking what I was going to do. I sighed and picked up my phone from my bedside table, calling Soos.

"Yo." He answered.

"Hey Soos." I replied.

"Hey. Why are you calling so early?" He asked.

"I dunno. Why are you up so early?" I smirked to myself. No doubt he forgot it was a pupil free day too.

"My mum needed some help reaching something on the top shelf and woke me up. It was kind of stupid thought because I'm not much taller than her and I ended up having to climb the bench to reach it." He said.

So I was the only stupid one.

"Oh, okay. Well, since you're up, wanna go somewhere today?" I asked.

"Yeah sure. Anywhere in mind?"

"Not re-" I started to say but my phone started buzzing in my ear. Someone else was calling. "Hey Soos, hold for a sec, I've got another call."

"Yep." He said. I quickly switched the call over to the unknown number that was calling me

"Hello?" I said.

"Is this Dipper?" A familiar voice asked.

"Yeah, why, who's asking?"

"It's Wendy." She said cheerily.

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