Chapter 10 - Mistakes

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A.N: Btw you may notice at the end of my chapters my writing goes to shit thats bc i start writing at like 1pm and then keep going till like 11 and near the end i want to stab myself so yeah thats why sorry lmao


I sat on a rock sighing dreamily to myself as a ship rocked back and forth on the water nearby. The ship had Captain Cipher's crew on it, the bravest and best crew in all the seven seas. But of course, this crew would be nothing if it wasn't for Captain Cipher himself. He was big, brave, and certainly handsome. I saw his distant body on the end of the ship, his strong voice booming and echoing across the waters.

Although I, a siren, was known as one of Cipher's greatest enemies, I still longed to see him up close one day. I wanted to see his face to see if it was really like people said. Beautifully tanned, freckled with baby blue eyes, shimmering sandy yellow hair and a velvet jewel encrusted eyepatch. He was apparently really good at sword fighting too, rumoured to have slaughtered 50 men in one go. I had always wished I was as brave as him, but I was just a small lonely siren. I wasn't really one to use my voice to lure sailors like my friends and brothers. I was often just called a merman, for I was too scared to use my powers for bad.

"GO!" A deep voice yelled from the distance. The fins on my head perked up causing me look towards the ship. A snapping noise echoed through the air and by the time I had seen the net flying towards me, it was too late. I screaming as the net wrapped around me and toppled me backwards into the water. I struggled to get free but nothing worked, it was hopeless. I heard the ship approaching and I closed my eyes, fearful of what was going to happen.

A few minutes later I heard a splash and eventually a tap on my shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes and found one bright blue staring right back at me, the other covered by an eyepatch. My breath hitched as I realised it was Captain Cipher in all his glory. He smirked and grabbed the net, dragging me to the surface. With great strength he threw me upwards and I went flying in the air, getting caught by the captains crew who screamed and cheered. I was thrown roughly onto the deck which injured my arm causing me to whimper in pain

"That was amazing, Captain!"


"You didn't really have to jump in the water, we would have taken care of it!"

I saw the captain climb up from the side of the ship, dripping wet yet still grinning. "Don't worry crew." He said, glancing at me. "This is my catch." He whispered, walking to me and crouching down to be close to me. He was as amazing as they said, but he had still captured me. I glared at him and bared my teeth, at least trying to look a little scary.

"My, my; a siren who doesn't want to use their power. That's new..." He said, cutting the net I was in. I looked at him with a confused expression. He had just caught me, so why was he letting me go?

"C-Captain, what are you doing?" One of the crew members asked.

"This is my catch, it is not? I'll do what I please with him." He smiled, continuing to cut the net.

"Well yeah but, you've wanted to catch him for so long so..."

"I'll do as I please!" He turned to face the crew and snapped. The guy trembled and nodded. Once the captain was finished cutting my nets, I didn't struggle. I just kept staring at him, wondering what he was going to do. He smiled kindly towards me and picked my up bridal style.

"Don't come into my office. I'm going to deal with him." He smirked evilly as everyone cheered. My heart stopped. He was going to kill me. I tried to struggle but he looked at me and with the hand that was under my upper back he held up a knife to my neck.

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