Chapter 8 - Selfish

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About a week later on a Monday, I had woken up early with alot of energy despite the horrible dream. Yes, I still get nightmares about Bill every night. I don't wanna ask him about it. I sighed and swung my legs over the edge of the bed, stretching my arms.


I stopped stretching and looked around, listening carefully. What was that noise? After a few minutes I came to the conclusion it was just my imagination. I stood up and took a step forward, but as I did, a hand grabbed my ankle from under the bed. I screeched as the hand pulled me back and I fell over.

I heard uncontrollable laughter from under the bed. I turned around and saw Bill under the bed clutching his stomach and laughing his ass off.

"Yeah, laugh it up asshole." I smirked. I turned around and crawled under the bed. Before he knew what was happening I had crawled ontop of him and held his hands down before proceeding to tickle him.

"N-NO!!" He screamed while laughing. "M-MY MUSCLES A-AH-ARE SP-ASMING!!!"

"That's how it's supposed to feel!" I laughed evilly.

I heard the door burst open. "OKAY KIDS I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING BUT FROM OUT HERE IT DOESN'T SOUND G RATED." Mabel's voice screeched. I poked my head from under the bed to see Mabel was covering her eyes while yelling.

"YOU HAVE THE WRONG IDEA!!" I started laughing. Bill was still on the floor shaking and giggling.

Mabel uncovered her eyes slowly and saw my smiling face poked from under the bed.

"Dipper, the point of a bed is to sleep ontop of it not underneath it. We got you a higher bed because you liked to be further away from the floor." She pouted. Bill's head poked out from underneath the bed too to look at her.

"Please help me." He whimpered. I slapped his face playfully and crawled out from under the bed, but as I was he grabbed my foot. "Oh no you don't!! It's my turn to make you uncomfortable!!" He laughed evilly.

As I was dragged under, Mabel had the funniest look on her face. It was a mixture of "oh god they're fucking under his bed" and "this is actually kind of enjoyable" which made me laugh even before Bill tickle attacked me to death.

"I'll let you two uh... finish what you are doing." Mabel mumbled and walked out.

After being tickled for a while I managed to wheeze "S-STOP, STOP!!", causing Bill to stop.

"Did I hurt you?" Bill asked, sounding worried.

"Not as much as this." I smirked punching his stomach, but not hard enough to really hurt him, only hard enough to make him get off me.

"Oof!!" Bill grunted as I crawled out from under the bed and ran to the bathroom, locking the door.

I laughed to myself and turned around to wash my face, but Bill was standing there smirking.

"FUCK!" I yelled in suprise, falling backwards into the door. "Shit.." I mumbled, rubbing my head.

"I win." Bill hissed before walking right through the door like a ghost.


"WELL YOU USED YOUR PRIOR HUMAN KNOWLEDGE AGAINST ME SO IT'S FAIR." He yelled as he walked off. I rolled my eyes and chuckled to myself. Idiot. I washed my face and brushed my teeth, not bothering to even try taming my curly hair. I unlocked the bathroom door and walked to my room, closing that door and getting dressed. My door was kicked open halfway through though and Bill stood there with hand resting on his hip. I looked down at my bare chest and back at him.

2D Love [Gravity Falls Fanfic ~ BillDip] (SLOW UPDATES)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ