Chapter 6 - School

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"What are you doing!?" I cried out, backing into a tree. I had gotten lost in the woods while walking and I couldn't find my way out. I met a hunter along the way with bright yellow hair and an eyepatch, but he had turned against me, the gun facing my direction. "Are you a hunter or a murderer!?" I yelled.

"Both." He grinned, showing his pointed teeth. He shot the gun at my leg and I cried out in pain, falling to the floor and clutching my leg. No blood oozed out, but instead I felt the excrutiating pain of my bones being moved around and my skin shedding. After what seemed hours of agony, I opened my eyes slowly and saw deer legs on the floor. To my dismay, they were mine.

I tried to scream 'what did you do to me!?' but all that came out of my mouth was a series of honks and grunts. He had turned me into a fawn, and I could no longer speak.

"You're a deer now, deal with it." He laughed, grabbing my legs and tying them up faster than I could struggle. He slung me over his back and started walking through the woods with me struggling on his back.

My eyes shot open and I sat up as quickly as I could. How the heck was I still having these dreams!?

"Da da da daaaa!" I heard a voice whisper and giggle. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned around in bed, looking at the floor to see Bill sitting there playing my DS.

"B-Bill!" I yelped, covering my bare chest with my blanket. "W-What are you doing here!?"

He looked up at me and pouted. "You're finally awake. I've been here for like 3 human hours. Good news is I've almost finished this game!!" He grinned and looked back down at my DS.

I peered over and saw he was playing Ocarina of Time from The Legend Of Zelda franchise, and he really was almost finished.

"Is that Ganon's castle? Did you seriously get that far in three hours!?" I stared in awe.

"Yeah. I found out that this thing does actually die after a while so I figured out how to charge it!" He smiled, playing the game as he talked.

"Wow, that's amazing." I breathed. "B-But that doesn't explain what you're doing in my house at this time in the morning."

"It's 8:47am. I thought school started at 9 and since it's my first day trying to really blend in I wanted to come with you, but I came a bit too early." He shrugged.

"EIGHT FORTY SEVEN!?" I screeched, jumping out of bed and not even caring that I was only wearing boxers. "Why didn't you wake me!?" I ran to the bathroom to wash my face.

"You were sleeping, I thought it would be rude. Plus you looked so peaceful, I felt bad." He walked into the room frowning.

"I'm gunna be so late." I growled to myself.

Bill sighed.

"What?" I turned around and looked at him.

"I'm a demon." He rolled his eyes and snapping his fingers. In the blink of an eye I was dressed in my usual attire and my backpack was on my back. I was completely ready.

"O-Oh yeah." I chuckled. "Thanks, now I gotta go." I rushed past Bill out the door, but he followed me.

"Don't forget I'm coming too!" He said running next to me. I stopped and he screeched to a halt a bit infront of me. "What? Come on, aren't we going to be late?" He asked.

"You can't come to school!" I hissed.

"Why not?" He frowned.

"No offense Bill but you aren't exactly used to... human behaviour. High school sucks, and with your quirky, weird behaviour everyone is going to catch on. Plus you could get some major bullying happening for you." I said quietly.

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