Chapter 14 - Swim And Chill (no, literally)

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As the next couple of weeks passed, we all went to school and lived our boring lives as per usual. Studying for exams was filling a lot of our weekend time so we were usually to tired to do anything. Nothing really extraordinary was happening, which was sort of weird since I was friends with two demons. I decided things were getting too boring, so one Saturday I was determined to have fun for once.

After a long sleep in till noon, I finally woke up, bursting with energy. I jumped out of bed and walked into the lounge room, seeing a pair of feet stuck up from the back of the couch. I smirked and crept up to the couch, ready to tackle whoever was sitting in a ridiculous position like that; obviously Bill. I jumped and grabbed him, falling on the floor with him in a clump of tangled limbs.

"Dipper, what the heck!!" A girlish voice screamed. I looked and saw I hadn't tackled Bill, I had tackled Mabel.

I burst out in laughter and got up, helping her up too. "Sorry Mabel, I thought you were Bill." I laughed as she punched my arm. I flinched and yelped in pain. "Damn, you punch hard!" I hissed, rubbing the spot where she had probably just broken my arm.

"Good afternoon, sleeping beauty." She rolled her eyes, sitting back on the couch. She turned around, laying her back on the bottom cushion of the couch and sticking her legs in the air. I had to stop myself from laughing as she closed her eyes, looking deep in concentration.

"What the hell are you doing?" I snickered. Her eyes shot open and she looked at me grumpily.

"I'm meditating. I've heard it's good for managing emotions." She sighed, closing her eyes again.

"So sitting in a ridiculous position and closing your eyes thinking about how stupid you look is supposed to be peaceful?" I smirked. She shot up from her spot and growled, beginning to chase me around the house. I screeched and ran away, but she was way too fast. She tackled me to the ground and started tickling me to death. Why does everyone use my weaknesses against me?

"I'M S-SORRY I-I'M SORRY!!!" I yelled, trying to get her off me but I could barely move from the tickle spasms.

"Better be." She flicked my ear and got up, walking away.

After catching my breath I got up and followed Mabel back into the lounge room where she was still doing her stupid meditation thing. I stood there for a while, watching her entertaining act. She eventually sighed, feeling my presence and opened her eyes.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"Do you know where Bill is?" I grinned.

"Your boyfriend is at work." She sighed and closed her eyes.

"Why is he at work?" I questioned, ignoring her comment.

"Because normal people work to make money and live a life maybe?" She opened her eyes again, looking at me angrily and crossing her arms.

"Oh yeah." I mumbled. "I'm off then." I announced, walking to the front door.

"Where are you going?" Mabel called, still in her stupid pose.

"To annoy Bill at work." I laughed evilly.

"Not a good idea. His boss already hates you and I'm sure Bill would be pretty pissed if you made him lose his job or concentration. Why are you in such an annoying mood this morning anyway?" She flipped over and leant on the back of the couch, smirking at me.

"Things haven't been interesting around here lately. It's a weekend and we are teenagers! Gotta live life while we got the time." I shrugged.

"Ew that was cheesy." She moaned, falling sideways onto the couch.

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