Chapter 15 - Meghan

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(Will's POV)

"All you've got to do is just put it in this thing called a microwave. It'll heat up the kernels inside the packaging and pop them. They taste pretty good afterwards."

I stood in the kitchen holding a plastic packet in my hands, with my roommate Meghan standing behind me. After I had gotten this body, I saw a female guard by a shopping mall and brainwashed her into thinking I was her roommate who had recently suffered from horrible amnesia; that way I could ask her stupid questions like how to read and stuff like that without seeming suspicious or stupid, and I had a place to stay.

I'm not stupid.

"That's quite interesting." I mumbled, admiring the packet. 

"Here." Meghan smiled, opening the door to the microwave. "Put the packet on the plate."

I do what I was told and she closed the door. "Now press this big button right here." She pointed to a large button on the machine. I pressed it and the microwave made a weird beeping noise before starting to hum. I jumped back and put my arms in front of Meghan to protect her.

"Why is it making- AH!" I screeched as it started to make popping noises. Meghan was just snickering behind me. "We gotta go, it's going to explode!!" I cried, pushing her backwards.

"Will, oh my god!" She laughed, stopping me. "It's supposed to make those noises, don't worry." She continued laughing. I felt my face go red in embarrassment and I looked away.

"S-Sorry." I mumbled.

"Don't be sorry, geez." She rolled her eyes and smiled. "It's fine, take a look through the door." She walked up to the microwave and pointed inside. I slowly approached the loud, weird machine and hesitantly bent over to look inside. The flattened bag had filled with air and with every pop the microwave made, the bag would jump. I smiled to myself, a bit mesmerised by the weird science behind this contraption.

"This is so cool." I breathed.

"It's just a microwave." Meghan chuckled. She pet my back and walked past me into the lounge room, putting her work vest on. "Anyway, I've got the day shift at work today, so I should go now, but don't worry, I'll be back tonight, okay?" She smiled.

"Okay." I looked at her and stood up properly. "So you won't be out again like last night?" I asked, worriedly. Last night she had the 'late shift' which mean she was out almost all night. I freaked out a little when she was out for such a long time... What could I say, I was growing fond of this girl. In a week she had already become the best companion and person I had ever met. She wasn't rude and obnoxious like Bill; she was smart, kind, gentle and funny, and beautiful too. She had long brunette hair which she often put in a bun, with a side fringe and bright hazel eyes. She was a bit embarrassed by the beauty spot of the side of her cheek but I honestly liked it. It made her different and unique.She told me she liked me because of those reasons too, different and unique. Probably since my hair and eyes and some unnatural bright blue colour. I thought I looked weird..

"I won't be out late again, I promise. See this watch?" She said, taking some 'thing' off her wrist. "These number tell the time. When this screen shows a five and two zeros, you know I'm on my way home okay?" She strapped the thing on me wrist.

"Oh, okay." I nodded.

"See you later." She smiled, pecking my cheek and walking out the front door. I waved her goodbye and shut the door sighing.

Suddenly I heard beeping from the kitchen and I froze. What the hell was that?

I yanked my phone out of my pocket which I had recently bought and learnt how to use and dialled Bill's number.

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