Chapter 11 - Realisation

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this chapter was written at 12am k


I slowly opened my eyelids. What happened again? I checked my watch and it said 4pm. Then I looked down at the weight that was on my chest and saw Wendy fast asleep lying on me. My eyes widened and I remembered everything.

"S-Shit!" I hissed, shuffling a bit. Wendy stirred in her sleep a bit before shooting up and looking at me.

"Crap, s-sorry. Does your chest hurt?" She immediately sat up, looking a bit red.

"W-Wendy, I'm really sorry about yesterday; I was just tired and sorta high from the illness in general." I laughed nervously. "I wasn't thinking right, sorry."

"Does that mean you actually meant to or..." She trailed off.

I shook my head. "No, my vision was blurred and I was seeing spots. I wasn't in control of myself..." I sighed. I know it was probably a bit harsh on Wendy since she told me she liked the kiss, but I couldn't make her think that I liked her in that way when I really didn't.

"It's fine, Dipper." She laughed, looking away. "Thanks to you I'm probably going to be sick though." She scoffed. I could hear a bit of pain in her words, but I tried to pretend I was oblivious to it.

"Y-Yeah. Sorry..." I trailed off.

She sat there for a few seconds before scrunching up her face and looking at me with a determined look her face.

"I'm going to tell you this, and it's not going to effect our friendship in anyway. If anything, it's going to make it stronger because I can be honest with you, and I'm sure you can be honest with me. I really like you Dipper, and last night I enjoyed that kiss more than anything. I knew that later you would regret it, and I knew you'd give me an excuse about you being sick. Truth is, I'm not mad at all that you regret it and don't like me back because I enjoyed it while it lasted and it made me happy. Thank you for that, and now we can continue being friends as long as you admit to me that you regretted yesterday." She smirked

Her sudden outburst of confidence and truth shocked me.

"I totally respect that. And yes I did regret it..." I said the last bit quietly.

"That's fine." She genuinely grinned. "Anyway, see you later. It's getting late." She sighed, grabbing her stuff and walking out the door. I waved goodbye to her and laid back down, staring at the roof. She was a really awesome friend.

"SO WHAT HAPPENED!?" Mabel screamed, running into my room and jumped ontop of me.

"OOF!" I grunted, going into a coughing fit. "Jesus Christ Mabel!!" I growled, pushing her off me and sitting upright.

"Tell me!! Why was she lying on you, huh? What happened!? Is she the first and new Mrs Pines?" Mabel nudged me and wriggled her eyebrows.

"God no! We are friends and thats it." I said firmly.

"The lipstick of your lips says friends with benefits." She smirked. I wiped my lips, but nothing came off. "Dude I was joking. So you really did kiss her!!" She squealed.

"I was tired last night and did what I shouldn't have, and this morning we discussed it and both decided we are just friends. Now shut it!" I hit her with my pillow.

"YOU DID WHAT YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE, AYE!?" She gasped and hit me with the pillow. "EW GEEZ, I'M SITTING ON THIS BED!" She immediately jumped off.

"God, Mabel not like that! I just kissed her and yeah..." I blushed.

"Aw. Get a girlfriend would you? You need someone." She sighed.

"What makes you think I need someone?" I pouted.

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