Chapter 3 - Recipe for Disaster

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Don't forget...

Don't try me...


"I need a haircut." I sighed, hinting to Mabel. Maybe if we went to the hairdresser I could get that chunk of hair for the list.

"No, you don't." Mabel said, muffled by the cereal she was scoffing down. "Why do you think you do?" She was spitting her food everywhere.

"Ew." I said, picking a partially eaten cornflake off my cheek that had flown there from Mabel's mouth. "I dunno, I just feel like I do."

"Nah. If anything you need an anti-haircut." Mabel explained.

"A what?" I looked at her, puzzled.

"An anti-haircut. Boys look better with long, straight, emo-looking hair. Not your poofy and curly hair." She giggled, running her hands through my hair. I swatted her hands away and fixed my hair.

"I like my hair the way it is." I pouted.

"Then why did you suggest a haircut, dummy?" She laughed. "Oh shoot, it's getting late." She sighed, standing up and rushing down the hall to her room to get dressed. I sighed and walked to the bathroom, looking in the mirror. Is there anywhere I could cut off a reasonably sized chunk of hair without it being too noticable? I looked at my hair and found the perfect spot at the back of my head where some hair was sticking out. I grabbed a pair of scissors and chopped it off, trying not to cut anything unecessary. Luckily, the cut wasn't noticable. I put the scissors away and hid any traces of me cutting my hair, gathering the chunk and putting it in a plastic bag.

"Hey, Mabel, do you have any old baby teeth?" I called down the hall.

"Yeah, I kept all of them. Why?" She called back.

"Could I... Have one?" I asked, walking to her room where she was standing at her mirror. She turned around and looked at me with a confused expression and honestly I didn't really blame her.

"Are you okay...?" She asked slowly.

"I need it for a science project." I mumbled.

"What science project?" She put her hands on her hips.

"I want to perform a practical experiment to see what teeth are made up of." I said.

She looked at me for a moment, then frowned. "But I want to keep all my baby teeth."

"For what?" I asked impatiently.

"Practical experiments." She rolled her eyes. "Don't you have your own teeth? Oh wait, you haven't hit puberty yet." She stuck out her tongue at me.

"Neither have you!" I snapped.

"So you're admitting to it!?" She burst out laughing.

"N- You're avoiding my comeback!" I grunted.

"What are these then, Dipper?" She held her breasts in her hands with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't see anything. They're too small to see I guess." I smirked which resulted in her throwing a hairbrush at me. 

"Well you don't have any balls but I ain't sayin' anything." She shrugged.

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