Chapter 13 - Going Out

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"I'm back, I'm back!!" Bill yelled, barging through the front door. I was sitting on the couch quietly reading a book, not even noticing someone was home. I was a bit too into the book. It was really interesting actually, it was about this-

"DIPPER!!" Bill's high pitched scream snapped me out of my trance before I felt him tackle me from behind and hug my neck tightly.

"C-Can't. B-Breathe." I wheezed.

"O-Oh shit, sorry!" He let go and giggled.

"Quit your cursing." A familiar voice sighed from behind him. I turned around and saw both Will and Bill standing there.

"Hey, see you put my fingernail to use." I grinned, looking at Will.

"Y-Yeah.. Thanks." He smiled.

"We worked things out, and now he isn't bound to me anymore! He's free!" Bill jumped up and down with excitement.

"So are you guys still going to stick together or..?" I asked.

"Not together, together. We can still talk on the phone, but we've decided to live separate lives." Will said, Bill nodding in agreement.

"That's fair." I replied.

"Hey, Dipper, do we-" Mabel walked into the room, but when she saw Bill and Will she stopped in her tracks and blinked in disbelief a few times. "U-Uh..." She mumbled in shock.

"That's Bill's brother, Will." I tried not to laugh at the look on Mabel's face.

"H-Hi...?" Mabel said, almost like a question. Will grinned and waved at her. Just to confuse her, Bill waved too. I had to cover my mouth so I didn't laugh.

"I'm going to lie down now." She said, turning around and retreating to her room. I started laughing and fell backwards onto the couch.

"Well, I have to go find someone to brainwash so I can find a place to stay." Will chuckled.

Bill laughed.

"You could stay here I guess." I shrugged, looking at the ceiling from the position I was lying in.

"Seems like you two are fine without me. Plus, separate lives, remember? I'll visit you guys later." Will said with a happy tone in his voice before adjusting his glasses. I heard Bill walk him to the door and say his goodbyes.

"Bye Will." I sat up and waved, before falling back down again. I heard the door shut and then saw Bill looking over me, smiling warmly.

He sat on the back of the couch and fell backwards so he was in the same position I was, looked at me and ginned. "So now I have all the time in the world to spend with you. What do you wanna do?" He asked. I blushed and looked up at the ceiling.

"I-I don't know." I mumbled, glancing at him.

"Let's go for a walk. I haven't really seen much except the cafe and our school." Bill gleamed.

"Sure." I smiled. 

"Sweet!" He sat up and got off the couch, looking at me and smirking. "Sir." He bowed and held a hand out. I blushed and chuckled, taking his hand and standing up.

"Let me grab something warm, it's getting cold." I shivered, rushing to my room. I put on a navy blue baggy jumper to go over my jeans. I walked out and saw Bill had changed too. He giggled as he admired his new clothes, then looked at me.

"Gotta enjoy having a body to dress up." He grinned. He was wearing a calf length, baggy yellow sweater with a brick print on it and black leggings with some black ugg boots; he still had the little bow in his hair too. He would probably get some looks for dressing like that, but honestly, I thought he was adorable wearing it.

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