Part 4: When no one knows where he is

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The sunlight was what woke me. My room was mostly dark in the mornings. I opened my eyes. I was in Phil's room. I checked my phone, it was almost twelve. I turned over and looked at the beautiful man next to me. His hand was interlaced with mine. He was just too cute; I leaned over and kissed his hair.

"Dan?" He mumbled.

Shit shit shit. Was is a platonic thing to kiss your best friend's hair? Had he even noticed? "Hey mate, you feeling any better?"

"Dan!" He said excitedly. "Hey Dan. Why we're they called the dark ages?"

I rolled my eyes. "I don't know Phil, why?"

He giggled. "Because there were so many knights."

I couldn't help laughing. "That was so dumb. Why am I laughing? God Phil, I love you." It slipped out before I could react. I slapped my hand over my mouth.

Phil pulled the duvet over his head. "Really Dan?"

"Yeah." Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I had fucked it up so bad. Phil would want to move out. He wouldn't want to live with a guy who was desperately in love with him.

The awkwardness was so thick I could taste it. Finally Phil popped out from the duvet. He turned my face to look at him. "I love you too Dan."

I blushed. "C-can I kiss you?"

He nodded and leaned in. I erased the distance between us. Our lips collided and something deep inside of me screamed "finally!". His lips were soft and warm on my chapped ones. The kisses were soft and gentle. I felt so happy that I thought my heart was going to explode. We kissed until my lips were numb and I wanted something more. He broke away and started kissing my neck and collarbone. I sighed happily.

Phil's phone rang loudly. "Shit." He mumbled. He got off of me and grabbed his phone quickly. "I have to be at the BBC in twenty minutes." He threw on a pokemon shirt and some jeans with lightning fast speed. "I should be back in a few hours." He leaned forwards me casually. "We'll finish this when I get back, okay?"

I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him softly. "I look forward to it." I said with a wink. He smiled and ran out the door.

2 am.

I paced around the flat. I bit my already bleeding nails. Where the fuck was he? He had been gone way too long. He said a couple of hours. I took out my phone.

"Hey PJ, is Phil with you?" I said frantically.

PJ sounded tired. "No sorry."

I sighed. "Okay thanks anyway." I hung up.

I dial quickly. "Daniel, I have a damn child. I would appreciate if this late night call was the last of its kind."

"Sorry Louise. Is Phil there by any chance?"

She sounded surprised. "No. I haven't seen him."

"Thanks Louise." I hung up again.

I decided it was too late to call the Lesters. I had one last option. I wasn't even supposed to have his number, but I was curious.

He answered on the third ring. I could hear the too loud music of a club in the background. "Hello, who is this?"

"Umm hi. You used to date Phil Lester right?"

He paused. "Yeah, who is this?"

"I'm his flatmate. Have you seen him recently?"

"No, sorry. I haven't seen him since we broke up."

"Oh thanks."

I sat down on the couch. Where could he be? Was he kidnapped? Who would he have gone to? I sent him another text. It was probably the hundredth of the night.

I heard a key in the lock. I jumped up. "Phil? Is that you Phil?"

One set of heavy footsteps climbed the stairs slowly. "Phil?"

I ran to the stairs. I was met with one of the worst things I could imagine. Phil was collapsed against the wall. His face was swollen and bloody and his arm was bent at a strange angle.

He looked up. "Oh hey Dan..." He said and passed out.

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