Part 6: When he starts writing

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Every second of the day Phil was writing. He scribbled away frantically. He drew and wrote as though his life depended on it.

One day I asked him. "What are you writing?"

He didn't even look up. "My life."

I went back to my room. Phil hadn't been this distant in years. I missed him. I missed him listening to me and watching tv with me and the way his lips felt on mine. There wasn't a place I could go where I didn't miss him. Weeks went by and he was still so distant.

One day I just sat on my bed and cried because Phil was here but he wasn't my Phil. He wasn't the Phil who ate my cereal or the one who kissed me on his way to work. I sobbed harder. I decided I couldn't take it anymore.

"Phil?" I asked his bedroom door.

He opened it without really seeing me. "What is it Dan? " He looked closer. "Have you been crying?"

I felt my eyes start to water. "I think I need to move out Phil." I roughly wiped a tear away with the back of my hand.

He looked shocked. "Why Dan? Did I do something wrong? It's not my fault, I don't remember."

I looked at him through my tears. "I'm gonna go ahead and go. I'll get my things tomorrow." I ran down the hall but Phil grabbed my wrist.

"Dan!" He was crying too. "I just need you to answer a question, please?"

"No Phil." I screamed. Everything hurt too much. I didn't want to go on like this. "I can't answer anymore questions. I can't look at my best friend and have him not recognize me. It hurts me too much, don't you get it Phil?" Phil loosened his grip on my wrist and I ran through the living room.

"Dan!" He called, running after me. "Were we dating?" I stopped in my tracks. "I keep trying to be the friend I was but I can tell you want something more. I look at you every day and each day I remember something new. I remember how your curly your hair would get in the morning or of the time we went to Disney with Cat." A year slid down his cheek. "I want to remember everything, but I can't and it's killing me inside."

I took a step towards him and without even thinking I kissed him. I kissed him gently. I poured every drop of sadness into that kiss. After a moment I pulled away. "We had been together for such a short time before your accident that we hadn't even figured it out. I figured it would be simpler just not to mention it."

I kissed him again long and passionate. He kissed back this time. His hands tangled in my hobbit hair. I pushed him away after a moment. "You kissed me goodbye and said you'd come back in a few hours. You didn't come back until 2 am. You were covered in bruises and blood and you passed out as soon as you got home."

It was Phil who leaned forward this time. His lips collided with mine hungrily. His tongue swirled in my mouth and I almost bit him I was so surprised. He pushed me away after a second.

He looked dazed. "I-I remember."

I looked at him shocked. "You do?"

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