Part 19: When I made my choice

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"Hey Phil?" I said softly.

He pulled away to look at me. "What?" The tracks of tears were traced onto his cheeks. His bottom lip quivered.

"Can I move back in?" He looked at me surprised. I added quickly. "I don't think it's safe to leave you alone. It's only been a week after all and you're already a mess."

Fresh tears shimmered in his eyes. "Thank you Dan." He choked out. I embraced him happily.

"I've missed you." I said into his ear.

He sighed. "I missed you too."

"You want to go watch the movie with Chris and PJ?"

"Yeah sure."

One year later

Phil and I were still flatmates and did YouTube. We had never gotten back together. Phil and I recovered side by side. We were what we used to be, best friends. Phil had been dating a girl named Cher. They had been together for months and it made me miserable. I didn't let Phil know but I hated Cher. I still loved Phil, but there was absolutely no chance of that now.

The door slammed. "Dan?" Said a familiar voice from the other side of the flat.

"What's up Phil?" I called.

"I brought pizza. Cher is coming over later." I bit my tongue to keep from cursing.

I walked towards the kitchen. "What toppings?"

"Pepperoni." He said with a smile.

"Perfect." I took a slice. I started eating ravenously.

"Dan will you give me some advice?"

"Sure." I said with my mouth full of pizza.

"I'm thinking of proposing to Cher."

I choked. I literally started choking on the pizza. I couldn't breath. My eyes filled with tears. It somehow went down. "You're going to do what?"

Phil looked at the floor. "I'm going to propose. Where do you think I should do it?" He looked at me. "Dan are you crying?"

I wiped away the tears. "Sorry it's just from choking on the pizza." It wasn't. I sniffed. "Umm yeah I really don't know. I'm the perpetually single friend, remember?"

"Oh yeah." He shrugged.

The doorbell rang. Phil ran to go get it. I knew too well who it was. She walked up the stairs giggling at something Phil said. She flipped her long dark hair naturally. I hated her. She had everything I wanted, which wasn't much. But still she had him. I retreated to my room with the pizza.

After a few minutes I could hear them. They weren't exactly quiet. Phil let out a low moan and I got up and walked out of the flat.

I dialed a familiar number. "Hey Lou. Can I come over right now? It's a code blue and worse."

Louise and I had developed a code around Phil and Cher. "Yeah of course. Darcy's home, I'm sure she'll be glad to see you. Stay safe Dan, don't do anything dumb."

I sighed. "It's pretty tempting today. Bye." I hung up.

I hopped into a taxi and headed to Louise's. She opened the door and embraced me tightly.

"How have you been love?" She sat down across from me.

"Not good....Phil told me today that he wanted to propose to Cher. It'll kill me if they get married." I gritted my teeth. "She's such a fake bitch. I hate her so fucking much."

"Yeah, well you're not the only one." Said Louise with a wink.

Darcy ran through the living room. "Dan Dan Dan!" She squealed.

I ran after her and picked her up. "How are you princess?"

She smiled. "Splendifical!" She said with a giggle.

I laughed. I sat her down and she ran off. I wanted kids one day. But it's always inconvenient in having kids when the guy you love is your best friend.

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