Part 8: When things are almost normal

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I felt the other side of the bed for Phil, he wasn't there. I swung my kegs over the side of the bed. I slipped into some boxers and went looking for him. I wandered into the kitchen. Phil was making coffee.

I embraced him from behind and he made his little surprised noise. I buried my face in his hair and just took in the moment. I wanted to remember this forever. I felt happier than I had in a long time.

Phil untangled my arms from around him and kissed me gently. "The BBC called. They asked if I was ready to come back to work with the radio show."

"What did you say?"

"I said yes. I've honestly been feeling a lot better. I know more than I've forgotten and that's a start at least."

Phil poured himself a cup of coffee while I got the cereal out. "Anime?" He asked. I nodded. "Of course."

Phil started picked out Free!, one of my favorites. I sat basically in his lap as we watched it. I leaned my head against his shoulder and ate my cereal.

"Hey Phil?"


"I think you're prettier than Haru."

Phil looked at me wide eyed. "Really?"


Phil played with my hair absentmindedly. When the episode was over we just sat in silence. Phil interlaced our fingers.

"What are we Phil?"

Phil shrugged. "I mean it depends."

"Depends on what?"

Phil blushed. "On if you wanted to be my boyfriend."

I looked at him. "Yes! Yes of course Phil."

I kissed him gently. Phil started laughing. "What are you laughing at?"

"I have no idea, you're just adorable."

We sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Hey Dan?"


"Would you like to...umm I don't know... go on a date or something? Something really cheesy or not? I don't know it was just an idea."

I turned to look at him. "Are you serious?"

He blushed. "It was just an idea jeez."

"No no Phil. That's not what I meant. I mean I would love to."

He got up. "I'll pick you up at six. Dress nice."


Phil grabbed his keys and left. "I love you."

"Love you too."

I checked the time. It was almost three. I had the flat to myself. I went on tumblr until four. I didn't know what to do without Phil. I went to my room and put on a some black jeans and my shirt with the moths. I walked to the bathroom. God I looked like a mess. I covered up the hickeys and straightened my hair.

"I'm sure as hell not straight, but my hair is." I told the brunette in the mirror.

I looked at myself in the mirror. Better.

The doorbell rang. Was that Phil already? I ran to get it. Phil was standing at the door with flowers.

"Hey." I said awkwardly. I had never been good at the whole dating thing.

He handed me the flowers. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks." I mumbled, frantically searching for something that would work as a vase. Finally I just used a tall coffee cup.

"You ready?"

I took a deep breath, "Yeah."

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