Part 22: When it turns out okay

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I stared at her in astonishment. "What the fuck are you doing here? You cheated on Phil. You hurt him so much. Go away Cher."

She laughed. I hated her laugh; It sounded like someone was choking a puppy. "Oh yes I was cheating on him, I still am as a matter of fact. He was the one who called me today. He said 'Cher baby. I'm so sorry. I need you babe. Please come back to me.' So I'm here, only because of his massive dick to be honest." She chewed her gum loudly. "He's my boy toy. I play with him and when I get tired of him, I throw him away."

I wanted to punch her. I wanted to pull out her long dark hair in clumps. I wanted to rip her light grey eyes out of their sockets. I wanted to kick her larger than average ass for all of the ways she was hurting Phil and had hurt Phil. I clenched and unclenched my fists. I stepped close towards her and said threateningly, "Cher I swear to God if you lay a finger on Phil or you take one step onside this flat ever again, I will take your cute little face and I will fuck it up so much that your own mother won't even recognize you."

Cher looked at me with genuine terror and ran out of the flat. I hoped she never ever came back. Phil emerged from his bedroom. I made awkward eye contact. "Have you seen Cher? She should be here by now."

"Yeah umm Phil can I talk to you?"

He looked confused. "Sure."

"So yes I did see Cher, but I don't think you ever will again. She said you she didn't care about you and she's still cheating on you. She said you're her boy toy and she only came today because of your dick. I got mad and told her never to come back." I sighed. "I'm sorry. You can do a lot better than her though."

Phil leaned tiredly against the door frame. "I know. You were right to do that Dan. Thank you."

I reached out and took his hand. "I'm sorry. I fucked up so much. Friends don't have sex. I'm so sorry."

He looked down at my hand in his. "Are those fresh?"

I realized I hadn't put on a shirt with sleeves. I pulled my arm away hastily. "Yeah, but don't worry about me."

He put a finger under my chin and turned by head towards him. "I'm always worrying about you. But so you know you didn't screw anything up. Best friends don't have secrets. Anyways sometimes best friends become something more. All I know is I love you and I want to be with you, but it didn't really work out last time."

I stepped closer. "Yeah me too. Do you need some time to think about it?"

He smiled, "No. I just have one question."

We were so close. He kept looking down at my lips. I pretended that I didn't notice. "What question Phil?" My voice came out soft and breathless.

His hand found its way to the side of my face. "Do you want to be my boyfriend again?"

"Yes-" His lips cut me off. Phil and I were dating. I felt almost happy again. Our lips fit perfectly and I wanted to believe that it was meant to be, but I couldn't completely convince myself.

Was this even going to work?

Just FriendsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon