Part 25: When we barely cope

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We all stared at walls trying to comprehend the horrible information. Anime was playing on the tv but none of us were watching it. PJ hadn't stopped crying since he arrived. His loud sniffs were the only thing that broke the thick silence.

I couldn't believe it. Chris was one of my best friends. We had been friends for years. We had gone through so much together. He was always completely there for me. Always. He was the most alive person I've ever met. To think of him as only a corpse was impossible.

He didn't deserve this.

He was supposed to marry PJ. They were supposed to be together until the end of time. He was supposed to stay my best friend. He was supposed to die with all of us around him and his grandkids.

I would have paid a million dollars to have never gotten that phone call.

The sun was setting and bathing London in muted colors. Why would I want to see a tomorrow without my best friend? That sounds like a pretty shitty tomorrow.

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