Part 7: When he remembers

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Phil flipped frantically through the pages he had written. There were sketches, stories, little snippets of Phil's life. I saw several sketches if myself. "Look! There it is!" He exclaimed. He pointed to a sketch of me. I was asleep and looked pretty dorky. He looked at me with a light in his eyes that had been absent for too long.

"What's that?"

Phil practically jumped up and down. "That's when I started remembering." He grew serious. "I've missed you Dan." He touched my cheek gently.

I pecked him softly on the lips. "And I've missed you much much more."

Phil pushed me against the wall suddenly and started kissing me hungrily. He left marks down my neck and made me shiver. I slipped a hand up his shirt and got it over his head quickly. Phil was much more muscular than I thought. I peppered kisses down his neck and chest.

"I love you Phil." I whispered into his hair.

He took off my shirt quickly. "I love you too." He ran his hand up and down my back. "Why are you so fucking pretty Dan?"

I blushed. My lips were back on his in a moment. Phil's hand went down the back of my jeans and I felt a shiver run along my spine. He started unbuckling my belt. I looked him in the eyes. "Are you sure about this?"

He nodded and kissed my neck. "More sure than I've been about anything before."

Hours later...

Phil was snuggled up against me. We were both exhausted. The whispered 'I love yous' we're the only thing that broke the silence. Phil's bare chest breathed rhythmically and I thought he was asleep.


"Wat?" I murmured sleepily.

"I remembered why I was in the hospital."

I opened my eyes startled. "Why?"

"So after I left the BBC. I remembered that I left a camera lens at my dad's place. So I went back home and my dad was way too drunk. My dad gets violent when he's drunk. He kept asking me if I'd fucked my faggot roommate and he kept saying stuff like that. Horrible horrible stuff. I punched him and we fought until he passed out. I called 999 and left. It took me a long time to find my way back home because I kept getting lost and no cabs would take me because I was bleeding so much. I got home and I just kinda passed out. I woke up in the hospital and I didn't even know my own name."

I gritted my teeth. "I'm gonna kill your dad. This is all his fault. I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna bash his brains in."

Phil winced. "Dan please don't." Phil curled up to me and kissed me gently. "I love you."

"I love you too." But Phil was already asleep.

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