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My palms were sweating. I straightened my tie nervously. I bent down to look in the mirror and check my fringe. Today was the day. Today was the day. This was one of the biggest decisions that I would ever make.

"Dan!" Called a familiar voice from the doorway. I jumped. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you. Hey do you have the rings?"

I patted my pocket just to be sure. They were there. "Yes. Thanks Louise. How many minutes?"

"Five." She said and left.

I took a deep breath. I could trip while walking down the isle. I could faint. I could stutter when saying I do. So many things could go wrong.

I run a trembling hand through my fringe. "Dammit Dan." I said and fixed it hurriedly.

A wolf whistle pierced the air. I turned to the door. An attractive ebony haired man leaned against the door. "You need to wear tuxes more."

I look down at my suit. Black on black. It is a sharp contrast from Phil's creamy white tuxedo. "Thanks. Are you nervous?"

He shook his head, "Suprisingly no. This is something I've wanted to do for years and I'm doing it with the exactly perfect person." He held out his hand to me. "You ready?"

My heart flew into my sinuses. I took a shaky breath. I take his hand. "Yeah."

"I'll see you in a few minutes." He kisses my cheek and runs off through the church.

I stood behind a set of heavy wooden doors. All of our friends and family were on the other side. And Phil.

"So it's the big day."

I turned away from the doors. My dad smiled at me happily. I'm glad he came. This day wouldn't have been the same without him. "Yep."

He took my arm, "I wouldn't have missed this for anything."

"Thank you. I just wish Phil's dad could have been here."

The doors opened. All of the people turned to look at me. My dad and I started walking. I looked down the isle. Phil was grinning at me. I knew I was grinning back at him. Tyler winked at me from next to Phil. I was tempted to wink back. I could tell that Louise was seriously fangirling. She kept whispering to Hannah.

I imagined her saying, "My sons! My sons. I am so proud. They have come so far. Asdfghjkl. I can't even."

I reached the altar. My dad let go of my arm and sat down next to my mum, who was already sobbing.

"Why hello everyone. My name is Tyler Oakley and I've never done this before, so if I mess up don't kill me." Tyler continued but I wasn't listening. This was really happening. This wasn't a dream. This was real. "You can read your vows."

Phil took my hand, "Dan. The first time you said 'I love you' we weren't even dating. We were best friends. We still are. I shocked myself that day by replying...I love you too. That's when it all started. I love every second I am with you. I want to spend all of my remaining seconds with you. Billions of magical seconds. Daniel James Howell, I am hopelessly and eternally in love with you."

I cleared my throat and someone in the back laughed. Shut up. "2009. It brings back different memories for everyone. For me it was my gap year between high school and college. It was also the year that Phil and I first met. I can truthfully say that I wouldn't be here today without him. Phil has saved my life on many occasions and I've returned the favor. For every tragedy in my life Phil has always been crying beside me. Many of you know that almost a year ago we lost two of our best friends. It was probably one of the worst things that has ever happened to me. Phil was my reason for even getting out of bed." Phil wiped away a tear silently. "You are all I need. I love you. Phillip Michael Lester, the world will spin and stars will die and I will love you."

"Do you have the rings?" Tyler is doing a lot better than I thought he would. When I suggested him as officiant to Phil jokingly, Phil jumped up "that's it! He has to do it!"

I dig the bands from my pocket. Phil slips the simple silver ring onto my finger. The metal was cold, but somehow comforting. I slide the other ring onto his trembling finger. These are more than rings. They are a promise.

"Do you want Phil to be your husband forever?" Tyler asked.

I grinned. "I do. I absolutely do."

He turned to Phil, "Do you, Phil, take Dan to be your husband?"

Phil's voice was thick with emotion. A tear wanders down my cheek. "I do."

"And by the power that the internet gave me I now pronounce you husband and husband." Tyler grins at the 'audience'. "Now all of you Phan shippers get  your cameras ready... You may now kiss the groom."

Phil still had my hand. We both leaned forward. I guided his lips with a thumb beneath his chin. It was a soft simple kiss, but it means so much. That kiss meant forever.

Everyone was clapping. My mother was wiping her overflowing eyes. I saw Phil's mum in the back. She was smiling, grinning from ear to ear. I saw Louise who was frantically slapping Hannah's leg in her enthusiasm. Cat had flown all the way from America and she was sitting beside Jim Chapman and smiling at us. Everyone was smiling.

I turned to Phil. He was smiling too. He was my husband now. I took his hand and we walked back down the isle. A new chapter of my life was starting. I was married. I wanted to scream it to the entirety of London.

As the music started Phil whispered, "Do you regret any of this?"

"No," I replied. "I can't find a single thing to regret. If I could go back and redo it. I would, but I wouldn't change a single thing. I love you."

"I love you." He looked down at his the ring on his hand. "For forever."

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