The worse...

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It was cold inside of the 2 story suburban home. The dark haired boy was packing his things out if his room. In his hand was his labeler. The box in front of him was filled with his childhood toys. Most were broken and disheveled, but, it was only 8. But he loved them all. The house was silent. The only thing that made noise was the ticking of his labeler.

Edd sighed. He was alone in his home. His parents were out buying celebratory ice cream and cake while he stayed behind. The boxes towed over the sitting boy who wore a depressed stare.

'Should I?'
'What am I here for?'
'No one cares...'
'Maybe I should..'

These were Eddward's daily thoughts. All the time... It was either due to neglect or bullying. He was always in trouble with his friend Eddy, steering people away from him. Kevin constantly hurt him when he was younger and now he is stalking him  simultaneously bullying him. His parents barely even were around as he grew.

Edd wished he could have ended it years ago. He slowly labeled a box. 'Labels... I'm sorry I have to give you one my dear box...' Edd patted the box. He had successfully finished packing his things. The young man was preparing to go off for college. As smart as he was, he had tons of college credit in his bag already. He was riding on a full scholarship for Harvard. 'The only good thing I'm worth: my brains.'

Edd heard his parents pull up. "Eddward! Come down honey!" His mother called. Edd halfhearted jogged down the steps to meet his parents. "Oh, Howard look at out son! All grown up!" His mother grins.

"Yes dear! He will be a fine young gentleman at the University!" His father grinned. Edd nodded and smiled. "Such a smart boy!" His mother was coming to tears. "You made us proud Edd!" She hugs him. Edd chuckles. "Thank you mother." He says hugging her back.

"Sit son!" His father says behind an ever present cheesy grin. "We will celebrate with desert!" He comments. The 3 sit at their table. "Son, I know that your mother and I have not always been around. But, we do love you very much. And we are so proud of you." He says sincerely. His father was tall skinny fellow with olive green hair. He was mainly known for his cirle wire rimmed lenses that he always wore on his face..

"Oh my sweet boy, I promise, that if you ever need us...We are here." His mother was a curvaceous woman, very beautiful indeed. She was black giving Edd his tan like skin. She had wavy hair cascading down he shoulders. Her eyes were brown and filled with happiness all the time.

'Funny mother, I needed you when I broke my fucking leg in the 6th grade. Thanks for that.' Edd mentally snarled at his mother. Instead, Edd smiled and kissed his mother's cheek. "I will call if I need you."

"Good lord, Isabelle, our son is heading the off to college! I'm so proud!" Howard said, hugging his wife's shoulder. "Thank you both." He says opening the ice cream. It was chocolate. 'Yeah worlds greatest parents...I don't even like chocolate ice cream. Like they'd know what I like...' He closed the lid. "I must be getting my things." He says heading towards the stairs.

"I'll help son!" His father called out. "No thank you father! I have it!" He says picking up one box and bringing it down.

Greeting Edd at the door were is two best friends: Eddy and Ed. "YO BASTARD WHATS UP!!" Eddy says not realizing his parents were here. "Yo, your folks are home.." He says surprised. "Don't remind me.." He grimaced, walking passed them. Ed had a u-haul sized truck so he can fit all of Edd's things inside.  "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Vincent!" Ed waved generously.

"Salutations, Ed! Long time no see!" Edd's dad says standing to go greet them. "Hello, Ed, my big oaf! How are you, today?" Edd's mom squished Ed's cheeks. "I am better now, Mrs. Vincent!" He laughs from his squished face.

"And you my little pint sized love muffin?" She turned to Eddy. "Oh, Mrs. V, I'm not little anymore!" Eddy blushed. Isabelle grabbed Eddy's cheeks. "Hush, you aren't grown either!"

With that, Edd returned. "Can you two help me with the boxes?" He says plainly to Ed and Eddy. The three make there way upstairs. "Geesh man, I haven't seen your parents in years.." Eddy says quietly.

"They look young and radiant still, Double D." Ed commented.

"Yeah well I don't care. They weren't here before so why should I care if they are here now." He grumbled picking up boxes. "Let's just hurry up and get out of here." Edd rolls his eyes.

Later on, Double D, Single D, and DY were heading down the road out of cul-de-sac, Edd's parents waving him off. Inside the truck, Edd was spazzing.

"Ugh?!! The decided after 17 years that this day, of all days was the ONE DAY to show up! I detest them!! They even attempted to relieve my broken spirit by saying that they will always be there?!? Well, if that is the case, then, might I ask, where were you when I won 10 science fairs in a row?!? Where were you when I got accepted into Harvard!? Where were you when I need to talk to someone!?!" He began to cry. Ed held his friends head. "Cry not my small friend. You have family in us, remember that always." He says kissing Double D's hat.

"Yeah, Sockhead, like you said, you made it 17 year with out them so why the big fuss?" Eddy says from the steering wheel.

"Because, they show up and act like its all ok! They didn't even listen to what I had to say about Kevin. They didn't even notice the..." He sighed remembering the slits on his wrist that currently no one knew about. "Forget it. It's pointless. I don't have to think about them now.." Edd concluded and the ride fell silent...

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