Why not.

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Kevin lifted the boxes off the top. "Here you go." He says, smiling generously at Edd. Upon seeing his face, Edd almost jumped back.

"K-kevin! I didn't know you were attending Harvard as well?" He says almost trembling.

"Yeah me and my bro Nat got a full scholarship!" He says with a nod over to Nat.

"Well you two are looking well. Thank you for the help." Edd nods allowing his manners get the best of him.

"Hey Double D, you don't have to be scared anymore. I'm not that same Kevin ok? Gee, looks like you're gonna die over there." He laughs.

"Well I am glad to here that." He says. Edd's heart waa pounding. He hadn't anticipated on getting this close to Kevin in a while. Edd gets out his keys and opens the door. It was a nice space for one person. Kevin followed him in. "Please set those near a wall. Do it with great caution those are fragile!" Edd says scanning Kevin's body. He was muscular and fit yet he still that lanky slim body of his. His face had shaped out from his childhood as well. Edd even noticed the bracket-less wire across his teeth. "You have braces..?"

"I did. This is just a retainer." He says. Edd finally noticed the very small lisp to his speech. "Oh, they very nice." Edd says trying not to be too friendly.

"Thanks man." Kevin said casually. 'God he's so cute. Resist temptation Kevin...resist...' Kevin told himself watching Edd's body.

"Oh, Thank you very much, Kevin." Edd says as the other Eds enter. Eddy and Kevin share a disgusted glare as Kevin walked out.

"Yo Double D, where ya want these?" Eddy says as he and Ed carried in more boxes. "Oh, over there if you will please." Edd points to a nearby corner.

Edd was flipping out. He had no idea what was going on in his head. Kevin had become so attractive over the years but Edd was in too much fear to even notice. His set jaw line and his shiny emerald eyes were the first thing Edd has in his head. Then his sweet smell of hard candy and autumn was trapped in his nostrils. Next was what Edd didn't want to think of: his oh-so-chiseled body. The rippling abs showing through his tank top only teasing Edd a lot. Kevin's wide chest and slender waist made Edd flustered.

But what Edd could not escape was the visible buldge in his sweatpants. Edd could be mistaken but Kevin was much larger than 6 inches. 'How? Is that even natural to be that large?' He thinks.

"Yo, Double D!?? You done fucking around and tell us where you want your shit!?" Eddy yells breaking Edd from his thoughts.

"Yes, yes...o-of course." He says blinking a few times. Kevin had left a few moments ago but it was like he was right in front of him...

Later that Evening, after the other Eds had left, Edd was left alone. He was supposedly used to the feeling but now he was in his dorm sitting in silence. Out of his window were people roaming out after hours: smoking, in the pool, making out...

Nope not little Edd, he was alone in his room.

"What am I doing with my life.." He sighs thinking about all of what he has done in life.

Following around with his idiot friends ideas knowing they were only for vain causes?


Stay obedient to shit worth parents and follow all of there pointless rules?


Allows himself to get bullied most if his life but not only Kevin but to many other people?

Oh bet your ass, check.

Now what was he doing? Sitting in his dorm room still not living his life. 'My horrible terrible useless forgettable wasted life..' He sighed as the tears crowded into the corner of his eyes.

'No one will know if I died in here...no one will care for any matter...I should just cut myself until I bleed into unconsciousness...slow death...' He thinks sitting up from his bed. 'Wait...those pills are still some good.. Does it make a difference if they are stale or not...?'

Edd was contemplating suicide. He was giving up..everything in his life was bad. The only thing that made him feel good was being intelligent but people made him feel bad for that. So Edd was hopeless at this point. Just as he walked over to his dresser, there was knock on his door.

Edd looked up. It was Kevin. "Hey Double D, you good?" He asks stepping in. Edd had realized he was crying.

"Y-yes, I am ok. P-please." He says, using a tissue to clean his face.  "I have just seen a very depressing movie." He says smiling. Edd's nose was red from the tissue.

"Oh, uh, ok." Kevin chuckled. "You wanna go out?" He smiles showing off his cute retainer.

"U-um, e-xcuse me?" Edd blushed looking at his trembling hand.

"Oh not like that!" He giggled.

'O-oh my lord...I have never noticed how....cute...he is...?' Edd covered his mouth.

"I meant like get out of this stuffy room for the night." He says smirking shifting his weight. "Then we may have a lil private party." He winked. Edd was quivering. He felt like Kevin was on his skin but they were at least 5 feet away.

"Come on, Edd." Kevin pleaded, removing his baseball cap. Edd looked at his head. "You're hair grew." He looked at the others full hair. "Yeah, it did." He winks confidently.  "You ya comin' baby boy?" He asks replaced his hat.

"Um, Kevin I am not 18 years of age." Edd says playing with his shirt. He was so ashamed he almost got caught trying to kill himself. He felt so weak!!

"You are tonight, Dork." He says pulling Edd out of door. Edd looked at Kevin who was clutching on Edd's hand. "We are doing this daddy's way tonight!" He laughs walking out of the buildings to the parking lot getting into his car.

"Oh jeez.." Edd sighs. Without restraint, a smiled came on his face... 'I hope this is worth it..'

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