I won't

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"Omg! Edd are you serious?!!" A squealed, rubbing his tummy. "Wow thats so cute!" She smiled as Kayla clapped loudly and made gurgling noises.

"When were you gonna tell me Edd was an intersex?" Nat nudged Kevin as the sat off to the side.

A, Nat, Kevin, and Edd and Kayla sat in the quad and Kevin just broke the news.

"Ah, I just got it myself. I just feel so happy. I'm gonna be a dad. Kids are gonna call me dad! I'm gonna take a kid to school and watch them grow into well rounded young adult!"

"Aw man you already sound like a dad!" Nat laughed with Kevin.

A kept talk with Edd, monitoring Kayla.

"So Double Dee, how far along are you?" She asked seeing he wasn't completely round but he was poking a bit.

"3 months now. I'm just really excited. I don't know if I a mom or dad but it doesn't matter. As long as I'm there for the child." He smiled and rubbed his stomach. Kayla crawled over to Edd and started patting his belly playfully. Edd giggled and wiggled feeling ticklish.

"Hello sweetie. Do you like my belly?" He asked, lifting Kayla up. She laughed and squealed kicking around happily. Edd then felt the baby kick him a bit. He put Kayla down and kissed her head, earning another kick, this one a bit more painful.

"Oww...I think the baby is jealous." He joked with A as he rubbed his tummy. 

"Oh they just want some attention!" She replied kissing his baby bump. Edd giggled more and squirmed around. "D-dear lord I'm ticklish!" He cried out.

Kevin scooted up behind him. "What, you mean you'll laugh if someone did this?" He smirked and tickled his sides. Edd jumped and wiggled around, crying out in laughter.

"Kevin enough!" He begged putting his hands on the others hands.

"Fine. I still win though." He kidsed Edds neck. "How's my baby?" He asked rubbing his boyfriend's belly.

"They are doing just fine." He sighed and smiled.

"And you?"

"Hungry.." Edd pouted.

"I only have store bought brownies."


Kevin laughed and kissed his cheek. "Suit yourself." He hummed and kissed his neck. "I love you, Eddward." He smiled and ate his store bought brownies.

"Aawww! So cute! I love this." A said as Nat reclined back into her.

"What about me?" Nat pouted a bit.

"I love you too." She purred leaning downward to kiss him.

Thr two couples sat out there entertaing the baby and themselves. It was going pretty good. 


"Mmm, yeah you weren't expecting that?" Kevin purred in a sexy voice.

"No, you just...hit it so hard..." Edd replied in a sexy tone as well.

"Come on baby, just give in to me." Kevin groaned and licked his lips

"I can't. You won't win me over, daddy." Dd bit his lip blushing red.

"Ah, fuck yeah. Here we go...that's it..."

"Oh yeah, I'm getting close...

... E-16 mother fucker!!!" Edd shouted out in laughter

"You are a witch you sunk my battleship!!!" Kevin cried out as his boyfriend laughed.

It was now Edd's 6th month of pregnancy. He had been relatively happy all this time, trying to keep hopes high that everything will be ok.

Disadvantage Vol. 1. [Edited]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant