A quick explantion of ELSEWHERE

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Elsewhere is a place where two or more people travel to when fusing.  It is a 4th dimensional plain of nothing but white space. That white space is pretty much silent until two fusers enter the plain. It then fills with flowers and light flints. The two fusers dance around for a specific time. The dance time depends on the connection. For some, a fuse dance can be a simple touch or for others, it's an elaborate dance, and then in between.
Once the fusion dance is complete, the plain becomes black as the two colored spirits(or lights) dance around each other before become one single color(I.e. blue soul and red soul make purple soul.). Once the single soul is born, the dark background begins to enclose around the spirit, creating its physical form. Once the physical form is created, it's too much for the dimension to hold so it breaks into the real world.
What happens while the two fusers are physically in the real world? Well, they  are stuck in the position they last were in. They are totally disconnected from the real world but once their spirit are about to become one, the real world bodies merge into one another. If their bodies are disturbed, then the fusion will be excruciatingly painful for them. If they are hurt in the real world, the fusion will not work.
Elsewhere is not the same when fusion is not of consent. It is filled with the non consenting fusers deepest darkest fears and chaotic for him or her. The overall fusion will be corrupted and comprised of chaotic characteristics. The  two won't stay fused for long because it is very painful and they could even die with in the fusion.
Dying with in a fusion won't kill the fusion. If both die then yes, but if one died, the Fusion will be very sick and fall into depression. If the fusion was together for a long time, the fusion would not know if half of it died.
A fusion dying altogether would be very disgusting to watch. The fusion would explode as it tried to escape back to elsewhere and the two bodies would try to live but their bodies are torn apart as the fusion splits against their own personal wills.
An outside party could split a fusion. It take another fusion, though. The second jabs the fusion in its stomach and pulls it apart by force. If pulled the wrong way, they get split the wrong way and their bodies are torn to pieces.
So that's as far as I will disclose at the moment. 😊😊

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