Baby don't cry...

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                             (Disadvantage Survey ^-^)

"So my intersexual delight," Sam began smirking at Edd. "Ya plan on havin' Kevin's babies? You two seem pretty serious!"

Edd sighed and stayed quiet for a moment. "I don't want him to be burdened...he doesn't deserve that.."

"Dee, he's clearly head over heals for you!" Sam said getting serious.

"I won't just push such a responsibility on him. He's got a big football career and a whole entire life ahead of him. I'll just be stuck in the same loop forever..."

"'re talkin' dark. Whats up?"

"He doesn't need me lingering around...If he knew what I had done..."

"Edd come on.."

"He'll hate me, Samuel. I know he will, he'll hate me!" Edd shouted as Kevin walked in.

"He'll hate you for what?" He asked concerned that Edd would break down again.

"N-nothing..." Sam said pulling Edd into a hug. "Its just...he's upset." He said rocking his older cousin in his arms.

"Babe, you ok?" He asked Edd who only cowarded away from him, hiding his face in Sam's chest. "Um...Just give him a little time..." Sam said quietly letting his cousin cry on him.


Kevin had left the Vincent's house to take the time to visit his own parents. He walked across the street staring at each of the houses.

Looks like Johnny is pursuing the whole 'starving artist on the road' thing. Good on him.

Eddy's car is still here? And in Jimmy's spot? Hmm, I wonder what he's up to...

Hey there's Sarah and lumpy—er Ed. Ed has grown a lot, I must admit. He's still tall and lanky but I guess he could be attractive in a way? Heh. Sarah grew pretty damn well too. Nice rack sis, do the damn thing.

Rolf supposedly moved back to the old country but he occasionally visits. I think he and Ed are hitting it off but...not sure if either of them are accepting their homo/bi/whateverthefuck sexuallity.

Ah, my lovely lesbian Nazz. I miss her. I haven't heard from her in months! Maybe she and her blue haired babe hit the road. Marie mentioned a band if I remember....

Oh and the glorious fucking Phabèts. Half Asian Half Caribbean? You bet. That is a beautiful bunch of fuckers. Mrs. Phabèt was so graceful and beautiful and Mr. Phabèt was hilarious and always cracking crazy jokes! Oh man I gotta go see those guys one day.

And then my place. Jee, some shit went down here. My first kiss with a guy. Yeesh I really wish I knew my mom would make fish tacos or I would not had kissed Nathan! My first time with a girl! I still haven't apologized to Nazz enough! And honestly the best moments of my life. Weirdest too, did a lot of stalking but thats cool. No thats not cool. Fucking hell—Oh look the door I hath arrivedth.

Kevin knocked on the door and was greeted by the one person he was so excited to see.

"Uncle fucking Ferguson!" Kevin exclaimed hugging the red bearded man tight. Kevin's parents apparently allowed him to swear in the house.

"Kevin mah boy!!" Uncle Ferguson hugged him tight. "Been a long time! Ain't seen ya since ya was a wee boy!!" Freddrick Ferguson was a big Irish guy that had no known relatives but he had been an 'uncle' to everyone. Kevin had known him since he was 2 years old and Ferguson always would say

Kevin, me boy!! Get yer fiery buns in 'er!!!

When ever he visited(even if they were like in the same room)

"Kevin, me boy! Get yet buns in 'er!!" He exclaimed.

"Man, Uncle Ferguson where the heck have you been?" Kevin said walking in the house with his uncle.

"Ah, took a trip back to Ireland. Had to visit m'roots!" He laughed heartily.

"Aw, man, unc', I wish you could have caught Edd! My boyfriend, he lives right across the street." Kevin grinned pointing behind him.

"Oh, I knew you were always a boy lover! Thats alright lad, yer still my favorite nephew! Don't tell the green one I said that though. Heehhe."

"Nathan? Ha! That guy's got his head so far wrapped around his girl A. You remember the girl with the pretty mom?"

"Aye! The Phabèt girl!  Yeah, those two are hitting it off?" He asked sitting on the couch with Kevin.

"Oh yeah. She's gotta baby by that one guy Tory. The football player!" Kevin then went on and on catching up with him.

There was a knock on the door 30 minutes later. Kevin went to answer it; it was Edd.

"Oh hey babe." He smiled kissing him sweetly. "Now you get to meet my family!"

"This is the Edd boy you were talking about?" Ferguson stood and shook Edd's hand.

"Yeah, babe this is Uncle Ferguson. Well he isn't my real uncle but he's just always been there for me."

"Wow, it must be nice..." Edd mumbled and shook back.

"Yes, well I gotta get ta' scadaddlin' nephew. If ya need anything just let me know ok?" Ferguson hugged Kevin and Edd and left.

"My mom and Dad should be here. Not really sure. Anyway, are you ok? You broke down earlier..."

"I um, I'm fine please don't worry." Edd replied in a simple tone.

"Talk to me babe whats going on?"

"Its nothing."

"Edd don't lie to me."

"If you knew you'd hate me."

"How could I ever?"

"Kevin I know you will. Everyone will..."

"Babe please, I need to know. We shouldn't keep secrets ok?"

"Kevin I can't lose you...I have lost everyone in my life except for Ed and Eddy. I just want to hold on to this. And you not knowing what I have done and what the consequences will be is best for our relationship."

"No dammit whats best for our relationship is truth and honesty! And being able to have moments of weakness so we can build each other from said weaknesses! This is what its like being a couple. It not a fucking walk in the park! Its scary and it hurts and sometimes you don't wanna talk about it but we have to. To move forward..." Kevin touch his boyfriends cheek gently as a few tears fell on his hand. "Listen... I get it. You havent had exactly the best life ever. But listen, I am here for you. And I am going to listen to you. I won't let you go. No matter what you did."

Edd stared Kevin in those beautiful emerald eyes of his. He could see who desperately he wanted to be trusted. DD placed his hand on the others hand.

"I want the time to be right... Not right now but I will tell you..." Edd said smiling softly and recieved a soft kiss.

"Ok. I'm gonna be waiting." Kevin replied, putting his hand on Edd's head and pulled him into a playful hug. "Ya better tell me, dork!" He said giving him a noogie.

"I promise! I promise!" He burst with laughter. It had been awhile since Edd had genuinely laughed like that and Kevin was so happy to hear it.

Disadvantage Vol. 1. [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now