A silent mover.

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A shook with terror as her unblinking eyes stared down at the small infant in her arms.

Oh my god. They are not going to happy...

No one was in the room but her and Kayla. It was still and quiet.

"You look just...like...him..." She whispered. "Everything I didn't want...you became. I don't know what they will say but our secret is out." She said to the child. Even though she was only a day old, Kayla understood her mother was hurt. She held her shaky baby hand up for A to put her finger in.

"Wha–?" A looked at her surprised but then put her finger into her tiny hand. She knew the infant could not have possibly comprehended her emotions but that small gesture of affection from her daughter...it made her smile. It made her forget why she was so scared.

Her baby girl was here! She smiled at the angelic baby's face, who cooed softly as her timy fingers curled over A's finger.

"What am I saying...? I—I don't care what anyone thinks...You are my baby and I love you. No matter what. And I will protect you at all costs!" He said on the verge of tears.

"She's so beautiful..." Kevin's voice startled her. "Kevin. I didn't hear you come in..." She stated looking up.

"You know, I am not mad at you, A..." He said coming closer to her. "I don't know why you think I would be." He stated with a sincere look in his eyes.

"Kevin, you and I both know why I want to keep our secret. No one will approve."

"A, listen, I know Kay's dad is a total dick  and you are ashamed of that but please I told you I will be there for you."

"Don't beat yourself up like that, Kevin. It isn't like we could control ourselves.." She spoke distantly as if she was no longer speaking to Kevin. She sighed.

"Where is Edd?" She changed the subject.

"Somewhere not taking it easy."

"You told him?!?" A almost flipped her shit but relaxed remembering Kayla in her arms. She sighed.

"No, I didn't. It seems DD has something on his mind that he can't get out. That doesn't matter right now. Right now Kayla is here. This beautiful girl. M-may I hold her?"

A looked at her daughter, still holding on to her finger, then back up to Kevin. She didn't want to let her go in fear she would be tainted by the foreign person. But then a familiar message popped into her head. She remembered it from years ago.

'My daughter...you mustn't remain by my side forever. You must sprout your own wings and experience this terrible terrible world as it is. I trust that you will soon know what to do...'

A handed her daughter to Kevin after remembering her own mothers words.

Kevin stared at her for a while until her eyes fluttered open. Two shiny grey eyes stared up into his watering green eyes. "Oh my god, she's perfect." He said sitting down. "I love her already." He said stroking her cheek.

"Sh-she opened her eyes?"

"They're just like his... Grey and breathtaking." He said shaking his head. "No matter.  She had your beauty, A."

A sighed in relief laying back. "She's an angel."

"I swear I will be the best fucking god father ever. I would never let any scum touch you." He said as the baby began to cry. "Shit, did I do something?" He asked A, who was staring her her breast.

"It looks like its time to eat." She chuckled and took Kayla. The infant began sucking the breast milk as if she hadn't eat before(well in retrospect she hasn't)

"Alright, Bae, I'm going to leave you guys alone. Congrats on the baby girl." He said and kissed her forehead.

"Yeah, thanks." She smiled softly as he left out. No more than 10 minutes past before the both of them were knocked out cold in the hospital bed. 

Time passed by quickly and it was late night. A silent mover came into the hospital room where A laid quietly  sleeping with her baby in arms.

"My goodness... My niece is beautiful....don't worry, princess, daddy will be home soon...."

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