Attempting Pt. 1

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"Eddward Marion Vincent open the door!!!!!" Eddy banged violently on the door. His bestfriend would not open the door. Ed was freaking out pacing in circles.

"Eddy what if he's really hurt?!" He cried but the fluffy blue haired young man lifted Ed up and used him as a battering ram.

"Its time for a throwback Edwin." Eddy's round black sunglasses flashed as he charged at the door.

The door didnt budge at first so the kept trying...


I open my eyes ad look around. I was all wet but I was not in the tub. I was in a grass plain. The miles of miles of grass waved in the wind. I blink an old Asian man sat in front of me. He sat in a meditation position smiling peacefully.

'Eddward Vincent. Its nice to see you. You must be confused. I am Xai Foe. I am neither here nor there, literally. We are driftimg between the mortal world and the spirit world.'

'I-I'm dead...?'

'No. Well, you aren't not dead. I have decided to give you another shot at life. Your friend Toriel has been here before...many times before. Never for suicide though...'

'I appreciate the offer Mr. Foe, but I want to die. I have had enough of being such a clutch to everyone.'

Xai Foe opened his eyes and they were dark sockets filled with fire. I was terrified by them.

'Young soul. You are turning down your own life for silly reasons. You are rejecting beautiful life for an eternity of solemnity. Once you cross the the spirit world you are not to return. You will never feel the touch of warm love again, the sound of others laughter, the fiery passion of love making! You will truly be alone forever!'

Foe's fire sockets ignited and then I woke up...

Water splashed out of the bathtub on the floor as Eddward jolted up. His hat was floating in the water and his black hair stuck on his face.


Eddy and Ed had bursted the door. "Hhhheeeeres Eddy!!!"

"I am Ed!"

Double Dee sighed and laughed. "They broke my door..." He pulled his hair into a little man bun and put his robe on.

"Gentlemen, you have destroyed my door!" DD smiled happy to see his friends.

Edds mind had been opened after his near death. He saw how much love he has in his life and most of his happiest moments came from Ed and Eddy.

"Double Dee!!" Ed hugged Ed tight. His English had improved greatly and he was getting way better in school. He just like being his loveable self. He picked up Edd squeezing him tight. "Are you ok? Are you hurt?"

"I am fine. Thank you Ed." Dd pet Ed's head and chuckled lightly.

Eddy stood off a bit and smiled softly. He kept his glasses on but kept hie eyes on Edd's. Truth is, Eddy thought of Edd as a little brother that was a bit older than him. When he didn't answer the door it freaked him out.

After Ed put Edd down, DD stepped up to Eddy and pulled him into a hug that went absolutely south.

DD went into the hug but forgot to move his head to the side. His face collided with Eddy's causing them to kiss.

The ripped away from each other and blushed profusely. "Jesus fucking christ, Eddward..." Eddy covered his face and Edd punch his shoulder. "Whatever, Eddy! Don't act you didn't want to do it!" Dd laughed and hugged him again.

"Whats up with you dude? You're so energetic it's disgusting." Eddy laughed.

"Oh, I'm just feeling the spirit today. I don't know but I think I had an awakening." He sighed and started to dress himself.

"Double Dee lets go out!" Ed exclaimed happily.

"Oh of course Ed. Let's all go out amd enjoy ourselves!"'

"You just had sex didn't you?" Eddy asked peering over his shades.

"No! Silly! Lets go!" Edd cheered and pulled them out of the door.


Hours and hours of Bestfriend time faded into the late hours of the night. The trio had traveled about the city causing trouble in different bars, had a few drinks and tried some strange drugs(well Eddy did at least. Ed was to scared and Edd was the Designated Driver).

"Dude, lets go to the next state over!" Eddy suggested from the back seat.

"Uh, Eddy, I have a class at 8:30 tomorrow!" Edd said looking at him through the rear view mirror.

"Aw shucks Dd, come on. Is daddy Kevin gonna come searchin' for ya? Put that ass to bed like a good boy?" Eddy teased him.

"S-shut up Eddy!" Edd blushed and Ed snickered from the passenger seat.

"Yeeeah get daddy to spank ya! Y-you're a baaadboy...fuck im high as a kite..." Eddy groaned curlling into a ball on the back seat.

"Just take us home Double Dee." Ed said laughing at Eddy.


Edd overslept the next morning. When he woke it was 9 o clock. "SHIT!" Edd screamed out not finding any better words. He took a 2 minute shower and threw his hat on his head.

"Ugh I am a mess but its okay..." He sighed looking in the mirror and put his black jacket on and slid on a pair of Kevin's joggers he left. (~3~^)

Edd made his way into the World History class. As he made it to his seat, a few guys stared at him in admiration. The guy he sat with nudged him. "Lookin' snazzy Edd!" The mans name was Corriander.

"Pft, as if. I over slept. I missed thirty freaking minutes!" Edd mumbled trying to keep cool. He scribbled the notes down until class ended. Corriander gave him the notes he had missed.

A bit later, around dinner time, Edd and Kevin were having a talk.

"Babe, we need to talk about this intersex thing. Its affecting our relationship, moreover its affecting our sex life." Kevin said cooking in Edd's dorm kitchen.

"Kevin, darling, we don't have to talk about it. I told you my plan if I do become fertilized." Edd said anotating so reading he was doing.

Kevin stopped what he was doing. "And I told you..." He walked over to him and slammed his hand on the desk, causing Edd to jump. "That option is off the table. Now you are gonna listen to me and listen to me good. You are my boyfriend and we've been dating for a while now. I respect every decision you make because you always know what youre doing. But this is stupid. You are considering a stupid idea. And if you think I'm gonna let you do that to something we created that isn't even naturally possible, you better think again dammit."

Disadvantage Vol. 1. [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now