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Double D was working on some reading he was assigned. It was pointless; he had already read these books.

A single knock came to his door. Assuming, it was either Kevin or Nathan, he stood up walking over to the door. He skillfully unlocked the door, being greeted by Kevin's forceful lips.

After the Suprise kiss, Kevin grinned. "Hey, cutie." He whispered.

"Salutations Kevin." Edd says blushing. Over the last two weeks, both Kevin and Edd's feelings for one another have grown so strongly that they comfortable with being called a couple!

"I want you to meet someone." He says bringing forth a 5 foot something woman with wild curly hair and a baby bump.

"This is my second best friend, A." He says, holding A's hand.

"A? Just the letter A?" Edd looks at A.

"Well, yes. I rather wouldn't expressed my full name, but its a pleasure to meet you!" She says with a grin.

"She's dork like you, Double D!" Kevin laughed.

"Flattering, really, kev." A rolls her eyes. "Double D sounds familiar...Double D, as in Two Dees in Eddward? Eddward Vincent?" She asks.

"Yes, that is correct. Why have you heard of me?" He laughs.

"Yeah! We all went to the same Highschool! How cool!" She say with a giggle. "Yeah, dork! She was the varsity volleyball team captain!" Kevin adds on happily.

"I remember you, now! A...A Phabet!" He says.

"Phabayy." She pronounced. "Not like alphabet. Although my father is named Al...making him AlPhabet." She laughs. "Well, I guess I should introduce my little buddy." She giggled.

"Oh hello!" Eddward waved at her belly. "Aren't you the cutest!"

"This is my little girl Kayla!" She rubs her full grown belly. "You are growing well!" Edd beams. "If you do not mind me asking, who is the father?"

At that time, Kevin and A shared a glance. "Don't worry about that, Double D." He says growling, grabbing Edd's hips, drawing him closer.

"What is the matter?" Edd asks a bit timid.

Kevin sighs and lowers his head, looking to the left. "He was a dick..." He says quietly. "That doesn't matter, ok?" He says looking at Edd.

"Oh, um, well alright." Says Edd, sweetly kissing Kevin's cheek. "Anyway, Miss. A, It was a pleasure meeting you!" He says grinning brightly.

A nodded with a smile. "Well, alright, I hope to see you again! Until we meet again!" She says retreating back into her dorm.

A closed the door exhaling deeply. "Oh my god.." She says pacing around a bit.

'That shouldn't have happened...n-no, no one can find out about this...about what I!'

She was panicking. She couldn't allow anyone to know the father, it was to horrible a thought to think. A wasnt in the right mind set to even talk about it.

'What happened... It was an accident! I didnt-we didn't want this...'

Meanwhile, Kevin was sitting in Edd's room. His entire dispostion had went from joy to passive agressive. Edd sat next to him.

"Are you ok, Kevin?" He asks rubbing the others shoulder.

Kevin was thinking to hard to answer.

'Shit..shit shit shit!!!! She didnt want to hurt anyone! I suppose this is my fault...'

Kevin punched the wall frustratedly. Edd jumped up moving away.

"Kevin...please calm down." He says shakily. Edd felt as if he did something wrong. "I...I'm sorry." He says holding his own hands at his chest.

Kevin sighed. "Baby...its not you. I was just thinking, ok?" He says standing up. Edd still steps back fearfully. Kevin rolled his eyes, pulling Double D closer to him. So close that Edd could hear Kevin's heart beat.

"I don't wanna make you scared or nothin' like that ok, babe?" He says hugging Edd. Double D was swayed by the beat of his heart. "Ok..." He says clutching onto Kevin tightly. "I'll keep you safe..." He whispers. "I promise."

A bit later, Kevin and A had met up to talk.

"Kevin! Wh-what if someone finds out what we did?!?" A panicked. She couldnt sit down so instead she stood up running her hands through her hair.

Kevin sat her down. "Listen." He says grasping her chin. A instantly shut up; it was something Kevin just knew would work on her.

"If you would be quiet, that would help." He spoke lowly. "But, no one will know ok? Our little secret is safe ok?" He says looking at her baby bump. "You're nine months in, no need to stress about it anymore than you are." He say pulling A's face closer to his. "It'll make Kayla upset." He says kissing her cheek.

"Kevin...what is she looks-"

"Hush, A. It will work out. What happened was an accident...we all were young and scared and experimental. Please, don't try and stress yourself, baby doll." He concluded and walked out of her dorm.

"Goodness..." A blushed. "It''s ok, was just an accident..."

-Ooooh! Who do you think is Kayla's daddy? What did A and Kevin do?! 😱What is A's real name? What'll happen next!! Omg!! Comment your ideas!

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