Nothing Was The Same(2014 Drake)

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It was hot whereever Toriel was. He had long forgotten where was but he knows why he was there. He had been on a frantic search looking for his sister. Everyone he asked had no idea who he was talking about. He knew she was out there. He saw her when he was with Xai Foe. He felt her presence everywhere.

It was SOMETHING he was missing. He traveled half way around the world now and still no signs of Alexandra. He described her how he saw her in the spirit world barrier but no one knew her.

"Fucking idiots!" Tory smashed his fist on his bulletin board. All the stuff he collected went to shit. Nothing connected to his sister.

This is fucking pointless. She's dead I know she is! Why am I trying to hold on to it?!

Tory started to rip the bulletin down. Just before he got to finished ripping stuff down, a knock came to the door.

"Its open..." He grumbled in response as a medium height girl with dark red hair entered. She was house keeping apparently.

"You need some cleaning?" She asked sounding friendly like. Tory didn't respond to her. His eyes fixated on her face knowing exactly who that face was. His heart started to flutter staring into the eyes that resembled his.

The young woman knew the face just as well. She stared at his features trying to make sure it was real.



The siblings crashed into a hug squeezing each other tight.

"Sis, they said you were dead!"

"I needed a cover up. I couldn't just stay in that house with everything that reminded me of you. When they took you away I...I couldn't just be with out you."

"It wasn't your fault lexa."

"We were all there.."

"No, you know why we did it. To protect you."

"What about the other one?"

"The walls have ears sis." And with that, they hugged until their arms got tired. "Why are you working here?" Toriel asked Rubbing her head gently.

"I'm taking a trip bro. I'm going all around the world and I need to save up. " She grinned punching his chest.

"Well I'm coming with. But you're coming with me. I gotta surprise!"

"Is it that beautiful baby girl? I saw her when she was born. I um, I snuck in so they wouldn't see me." Alexandra smiled remembering her niece's face.

"Aw, yeah my baby girl. She's almost 1 years old now. Back to you sis, how did you get all the way out...whereever we are?"

"I had some major problems that I um, had to get away from." She said quietly.


"The walls have ears bro." And with that they nodded and dropped the topic.

Both Banks children had secrets that connect with each other. They just didnt know it. The reason why Alexandra was in the hot strange town was because of something that happened nearly 10 years ago. Tory got arrested because of something he did 12 years ago.


He didnt do it.

Thats beyond the point. Neither here nor there.

"Hey Tory. What happened to your boyfriend?" She asked lowly.

" dating Kevin." Tory's chest tightened. He still had feelings for Edd... Strong fellings....REALLY Strong feelings. He always waited for Edd even when he laughed at him in highschool. Even when he called him dweeb or dork. Tory loved Edd very much despite his on and off with A in highschool. Tory was sent out on getting his first love back even if he had to go to drastic measure.

"Aw heavy. How ya takin' it?" She asked rubbing his shoulder.

"Not well at all. But thats ok. Edd's gonna see who really loves him. Kevin didnt even know Edd was an intersex."

"I thought he was genderfluid or transgender...?"

Tory didnt respond. He didnt know exactly why Edd went from genderfluid to not that fast but he missed when Edd would visit in the summers and dress like a girl.

But that one change it all...

And nothing was the same

Disadvantage Vol. 1. [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now