Thats my best friend

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5 weeks left in the semester. Everything has been high tension.

Tory was trying to find his sister, frantically traveling the country.

A had senses a bad omen coming soon. The earth's vibration was tell her bad things.

Kevin had fallen into a slump. He hadn't eaten in a good two ir three days and he's actually stopped smoking. But he's gotten worse in health.

Edd hadn't seen Kevin in a while. He was trying to take care if the twins on his own. Ever since the break up he has been unstable and pretty damn angry about literally anything.

Nathan was worried for his friends health. He tried to get him eat and head to the gym but it was never to any avail.

Nothing was good.

Nothing was ever good.


"You think you're gonna be ok man?" Nat asked Kevin who sat on his bed. Kevin was nearly anorexic. He's cheek bones began to show a little even.

"I'm good man. Just .... I don't know..." He sighed wrapping himself in the blankets. "I fucked up...I fucked up his life and mine and the twins'"

"Dude look...just give it some time. You two just had a bad day."

"I had a bad day. He had a bad life. I'm the worse..."

"Kev dude...come on I hate seeing you like this....y-you gotta eat something." He said and started to cook something for him.

"Eggs and grits? Eh eh? Your mom always made it when we were sad! Y-you remember that man?"

"All I can think about is I pretty much screwed his life...."

"Kevin Winsten Barr. You need to get your mind off of being sad. You need so Eggrits. Now get your ass in here and help me!"

Kevin smiled softly and got out of bed and shuffled into the kitchen to help his friend cook. That turned into mindless fun between the two having food fight and then after they ate they played with these old light sabers that had for years.

"Kevin....I am your father." Nat said in his best Vader voice.

"Neeeeooooooooohhhhh!!!!" Kevin cried out in his Luke Skywalker cry.

The two laughed and rolled on the floor. "Oh man you sound just like him!" Nat cried

"Yeah well you're face looks like his when he said it!"

"Your best friend sits on this face so take that bitch!"

"Dude thats sick! Ugh get out!"


The two best bros hadn't had this much fun in a while. Kevin was always wrapped around Edd and Nat with A. It was fun to hang out again.

And thats how it was, Kevin got better and Nat couldn't be happier.


Eddy tapped his his foot angrily. He had been so impatient and irritated as of late. At the moment, in the grocery shop waiting in the only open line and he was at the very end. He growled and tightened his grip around the handles.

"Come onnnn!!" Edd growled as the twins slapped each other in the cart.

"Stop hitting your sister, Romeo. Leave your brother alone, Rudelle." He sighed at the two trying to keep calm. The twins stuck their tongues at him. Edd growled at them and they stayed quiet out of fear.

Finally, nearly 1 hour and 30 minutes later, it was Edd's turn. He was reliefed to get hid stuff and go! Luckily he didn't have much so he got rang up and left.

Once he returned to his dorm room, he put the groceries away and sat with the twins. "Hey guys look...I'm sorry for being mean today st the store today...can you forgive me?" He said to the twins who in response giggled and gave Edd juicy slobbery kisses.

Edd laughed at the two giving them tons of kisses and tummy tickles back. "I'll take that as a yes!" He smiled and his babies screamed with joy.

Edd's mood lightened. He saw how his kids were happy and it made him see what the joy of parenting is. At that moment he vowed to be the best momdad ever. With or without Kevin...

Edd was his own man and he could take care of two kids all on his damn own.


"You can not take care of twins all on your damn own!"

"And why can't I?" Edd asked Eddy who was holding the twins over his shoulder.

"'Cause sock head, single parenting is hard! You need like actually help with this." He replied as Ed nodded.

"Yeah Double Dee, I agree with Eddy. Having a kid or kids is like a science project. You need a lab partner to take over when you have done your part right?"

"I have done countless science projects on my own." Edd mumbled.

"Look, Dee. Ya gotta trust us. We don't have kids true, but you need to make up with Kev."

"No way in hell. He has hurt me for the last time."

And that was it. The trio fell silent. For different reasons though. Eddy went silent out of growing anger. Ed was silent because of sadness and shock. Edd was silent because he had no more to say on the topic.

Eddy put the twins down slowly. "That shitbag hurt you Edd...?" He growled in a low tone.

"Edd, why didn't you tell us?" Ed said covering his mouth.

"Guys he didn't—"

"I am going to fuck him up. How dare he?!"

"Double Dee call the police!"

"Guys he didn't like hit me or anything!!" Edd said trying to calm them down. "He just...he told me I needed the medication because I was sick but I told him I was fine but he wouldn't listen because he doesn't know what its like to have this...he's idiot!" He shouted digging his nails in his skin.

Eddy noticed this process and that Edd had been doing it a lot lately. He gently pulled Edd up to his feet and looked at his wrists and the dark marks.

"Eddy, goodness, what at you doing?" He asked trying to pull away.

Eddy sighed and removed his sunglasses(which he hardly ever does anymore). His large hand found their way to his waist under his shirt. They were warm on Edd's skin as they slid up is body, pulling his shirt off.

"Oh Eddward.." He said sadly seeing his scarred body. "Oh my god..." He said pulling him into a hug. Ed joined in sadly.

Edd was caught off gaurd for a bit then hugged them back almost tearing up. "Thank you gentlemen...thanks a lot."

"No sweat Dee. Its ok." Eddy said stroking his hair.

"Yeah Double Dee. We're here for you." Ed smiled hugging him tighter.

"Always and forever man. Always and forever."

Disadvantage Vol. 1. [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now