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Its been one month since the birth of Kayla and a lot of things have changed. One thing in particular is a complete shift in attitude between Nathan and Kevin.

See, there was a big arguement between the two a few weeks back about a topic that Edd was unclear on and A feared would happen.

"Nathan... I told you that you need not worry about it any more!" Kevin hissed getting frustrated with his friend.

"And I told you that I have to worry because I love her and now she has YOUR child!"


The two had been yelling and arguing about what the topic of Kayla's biological father.

"Now gentlemen, I'm sure this matter can be solved with a simple DNA test!" Edd suggested holding Kayla in his arms.

"Listen sweetheart. We can NOT do that. Guarantee, I am not her father BUT her father is a terrible person and he doesn't matter at all." Kevin turned to face his boyfriend.

"But would that not solve this dispute?" He raised and eyebrow.

"Dee, look. I honestly wish I could but A wants to keep that information disclosed."

"Honestly, if she wants to keep it disclosed then why are we arguing?"

"Because he can't fucking own up to it." Nathan growled rolling his eyes.

"Nat, you can't tell me for NINE FREAKING MONTHS you didn't know who her biological father was?" He turned back to Nat.

"I thought it was you since you two fucked on my couch after Tory's party!"

There was a dead silence in the room. Eddward went pale as the moon and only two words were muttered from his lips: "Toriel Banks...." He shivered after hearing himself say it.

Kevin was a bit relieved that his concern wasn't the sex but was concerned at his reaction.

"You knew Tory?" Kevin asked.

"Only so few people know his full first name. I didn't even Know it!" Nathan stated.

"W-we were friends once...before I moved to Peach Creek... B-but that is none the matter. to go finish up some homework." He stated before handing Kayla over and scurrying out of the room.

It was true indeed: Eddward did know Toriel. The boys were once best friends when they lived in Apple River. They, and Tory's younger sister, Alexandra, shared many memorable summers together. In fact, Tory help Edd find his true sexual preference. Double Dee, Tory, and Alex were inseparable, but DD's parents always fluctuated between Apple River and Peach Creek prior to their marriage. So once Edd moved to Peach Creek, Tory became more hardened and a jerk. But somewhere along the line... his jerk attitude led him to do some thing HORRIBLE....

Or did it...?

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