Down for the cause

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Tory couldn't move his body. He was in total stun. His arms were yanked behind his back, wrist locked in place. The squad car was dimly lit so he couldn't see the officer driving him but it didnt matter. His eyes were wide, pupils dialated, staring at his knees. He didn't breath for he had forgotten how to. A trillion questions rushed through his head. He had no reason to believe that the predicament he was in was in any way his fault. He knew what
happened but he couldn't say that. He had to take the heat. He had to take the heat for it. But, Tory thought, in a way he was guilty because he talked true killer into doing it. Tory knew that he had to stay strong but the silent squad car scared him shitless.

"You had a good future in front of you kid." The officer was an bit older than Tory, like 20-25. Tory usually responded with a 'hell yeah, make my mom proud.' But this time, Toriel stayed silent. His mouth couldn't move because he hadn't been breathing. Some how the cop took notice to this.

"You gotta breath kid!" The cop jerked the car by slamming on the break and then pounding the gas but returned to normal speed. This woke Toriel from his dazed state. He looked up and took a deep breath. "Oh my god." He gasped looking around.

"You doing ok kid, you almost died or whatever." The cop looked at him through the rear view mirror. From what Toriel could see the officer wore some kind of medical mask with a giant grin on it. It looked like something a creep clown wears. Tory must had a confused look on his face because the officer laughed.

"Oh yeah its a medical mask. I've got the worse allegies. My brother Pyrus said it looks less sickening with a smile on it. He's a officer too. He wants to be the commisioner one day. Hah. Big dreams amiright?" He chuckled. "Name's Sanders. But my buddies call me Sans. So you killed someone? I almost killed my girlfriends adopted child. Yeah lets keep that between us." Sans laughed and kept driving. Tory didn't say anything because on COPS he learned anything he said can be held against him in a court of law.

"Hey kid, look. We've all done some fucked up shit in our lives. I can say that I have done one too many. But if there is one thing I could tell you is never regret a single thing you do. This is a life lesson that one day you're gonna look back and tell your kids all about. So don't go for the easy road, no good stories come from that. Take the hard road and never look back." Sans smiled under the mask. "You want some tea? Lets get tea." Sans was a terrible cop.

The squad car pulled up to a near by Teavana. Sans uncuffed Tory and they walked in. Tory still hadn't said anything but he contemplated running like hell.

"Don't run kid. I got this high voltage tazer called the 'Gaster Blaster' and its not anything to play with. Just asked my adopted child." He whispered the last sentence with a wink. Tory got a good look at the cop. He was a smol chubby dark skin man with the sides of his hair shaved to a fade. He has one brown eye and the other blue. He had high ranks in the police commission, but he seems to be a college dumbass.

After they retrieve the tea, they sat on s bench outside. "Hey kid, didn't do it did you?" Sans looked at Tory with a 'i know the answer' look.

"Why?" Tory finally spoke.

"I know a lot of stuff, Toriel. I know you're innocent but not as innocent as one may think." He looked to the dark night sky.

"SANDERS DID YOU CAPTURE THE PRISONER!?" Sans' dispatched screached with his brother Pyrus on.

"Yeah Pap—we call 'em Pap—" he whispered to Tory who nodded. "I'm headed down now sheesh." Sans reclined nonchalantly.

"WELL. WHATS THE HOLD UP?" Pyrus shouted again through the dispatch.

"Uh, traffic?" Sans shrugged not really caring, ergo, Sans is a terrible cop.

"TURN YOUR SIRENS ON YOU IMBECILE." It was evident that Pyrus got angry often.

While the two brothers bickered, Tory sat a few inches from Sans staring into the starry night. Had he been more careful, this wouldn't be the last night he saw the starry sky. He remembered his times with Edd and when they were little boys and they'd stare into the sky at night wonder if stars could reflect your true feelings of someone, glowing brighter the stronger the attraction. Tory chuckled. He knew how technical Edd would get and go on explaining how stars work. It'd usually end with Tory pecking his lips and saying 'good night nerd bird.'

Tory also thought of his sister and how she would handle not having her only true family with her. Tory knew she was strong but she was only 15, a sophomore in highschool. Tory was 17 now so he couldn't be tried as an adult but the crime committed was going to cause him to be snatched from Alexandra's life maybe forever. And that wrecked him; he knew his sister was strong but not strong enough. He couldn't just leave her but...

She knew what happened.

He knew what happened.

He did it for her.

He did it for him...

Disadvantage Vol. 1. [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now