Nightmare Hospital

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Pain rages through her blood like fire... She can't think clearly and words can't seem to come together and make a proper sentence. All that emerged from her dry  lips were howls of agony.

"You can do it sweetie pie, just keep pushin'." A's 50 something father whispered to her. "She's almost here!"

"Yeah sis! You're gonna  be a momma!" she heard Clarisse say. But A's mind was fried. She just kept trying to push the baby girl out of her body.

"You're crowning, Ms. Phabèt. Just keep pushing." The doctors soothing voice said calmly. A's eyes shot open and looked around and saw nothing but exploding colors and blurry faces. Her head was pounding and she barely could breath.

"Breath, please A." She looked a bit to her left and a glowing Edd stood there smiling sweetly. A looked behind him: a terrified Kevin. He was biting his nails and stared directly at the floor. He trembled and quaked in fear; his skin was white like the moon.

A knew his thoughts. She FELT his thoughts. She grew fearful himself and began to cry and pant tiredly. She let out one hard push and finally felt her body release the bloody child. She laid back staring at the ceilimg as the entire room was still and silent.

"Woah shit..." She heard the murmur of her brother Bernie. "Dude that kid looks like..."

"K-kevin...." She heard Edd's voice crack and a hard slap that echoed through her ears. She winced in fear as Kevin coward away from Edd, who ran out of the door.

"Fucking Christ...." Nathan said not wanting to look at her or the child.

"You lied to us. How could you do this to could you do this....?"


"AHHH!!" A jolted up panting violently. She looked around trying to figure out where she was. "JFC A, what's wrong?"

A looked to her right and saw Kevin sitting in a chair by the hospital bed. "You good kid? You look pale."

"I'm ok..." She replied and wiped her eyes. Kevin stood up and readjusted Edd from the position on his shoulder.

A's vision couldn't seem to focus and everything came in slowly.

"You woke up screaming, you're crying, and you are lying to me so fix your story, kid." Kevin wiped her forehead. "What time is it...?" She tried to change the subject.

"Its 7....7:21 am. Back to relevancy. Did you have a nightmare?" He asked sitting next to her on the bed, rubbing her belly. "Yeah...I was just scared for a minute..."

"Don't stress ok? Kayla doesn't deserve that." He said looking down at her stomach. "I don't want to make everyone upset." She mumbled sadly

"Hey, I won't be upset. No one will."

"I've lied to everyone." She said begining to cry.

"A stop beating yourself up! I know its looking bad right now, but its alright, ok? You can't just keep blaming yourself for what happened. So just relax and let everything pass ok?" Kevin kissed her forehead and rubbed her chin with his thumb.

"Thank you Kevin... Thank you being there." She said touch his hand. "No problem sweetpie."

"That whole week was messy. The wildest week of my life." A commented.

"Yeahh, so much went down." He chuckled. "I'll never forget it..."

A and Kevin's Flashback.

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