The morning after...

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Edd woke up groggy. He wiped his eyes and stumbled out of bed with a killer headache.

'Jeesh, I need medication..'

He thought before walking into the bathroom. Of course he used the toilet first. After Edd finished his pee, he looked into the mirror. He had a shirt that was 2 sizes to big on him so it hung off his shoulder. He looked at his neck. There were several little bruises traced in black sharpie. He wondered how they got there..

His eyes continued down. He saw the tips of words on his upper chest. Edd lifted the shirt up to see the giant words  "looking for daddy? Turn around baby boy! -Nat♥️" Edd looked confused at the words. He turned all the way around only to see on his booty the word "Daddy's~" written in cursive.

"Wha-?" He whispered to himself. He looked at his face. On both cheeks were "naughty" on the left and "boy" on the right. Edd blushed.

"There you are." A voice comes behind him. Edd looked at him in the mirror. "It was getting lonely with out you."

Kevin had his arms wrapped around Edd's waist. "K-kevin..." Edd says blinking.

"Whats the matter babe? You're up really early." He says placing a kiss on Eddward's neck. 'Babe!' Edd thought. 'What on earth happened last night!?'

"I am usually up this early!" He says chuckling awkwardly. Kevin looked at Edd from the mirror then down to him. "Something wrong, babe?" He asks hugging him tighter.

"I was just wondering...what exactly happened last night..?" Edd asks uneasy. Kevin laughed.

"Oh, so thats what it is!" He says picking Edd bridal style. "I suppose I can tell you." He says smirking and bringing Edd back into Kevin's bed.

"Ok baby, lets start from the beginning... Last night when we went out...."

Kevin's flashback

Edd sat down in Kevin's car putting his seatbelt on. "Ok, so what is it that we are doing?" He asks with a smile.

"Hush baby boy, its a suprise." Kevin grinned. The two drove down the dark highway.

After awhile Edd had gotten a bit annoyed. "So where exactly are you taking me?" He asks crossing his arms.

"Don't worry babe," Kevin says, reclining in his seat. He drew a cigarette from his pack and lit it. Edd gave him a disgusted look.

"What?" Kevin looks at DD then back to the road, smiling.

"I do not like when people smoke cancer sticks in my presence." He says clutching on to his hanger holder. Kevin chuckled taking the cigarette out of his mouth, exhaling the smoke. He popped the cigarette into Edd's mouth laughing loudly.

"Damn, you look hella cute!" He says looking at the other male. Double D was in a stunned state with the cigarette hanging out of his mouth.

"Bah!" Edd says taking it out of his and giving it back to Kevin. "Please never do that again!" He growls angrily.

"Aw, I'm sorry Double D." He says laughing still.

Edd had know idea that he would be THIS close to Kevin. He was a stalker...Right? A madman at best! He used to hurt Edd so badly that he had s deep rooted fear for him! So what, Edd asks himself, is he doing in Kevin's car?

'is he going to hurt me? Should I be worried?! Maybe he going to kill me!? I told myself that I will go out with my blood on my hands not with anyone elses!!'

These thoughts made Edd nervous and anxious. He kept his eyes on Kevin while he droved, examining the signs of an angry person.

Kevin couldn't be more relaxed; he smoke his cigarette, cruising down the highway. He pulled on an exit only to stop a few feet later at a red light.

Disadvantage Vol. 1. [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now