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OUR 1000 rEADER tHANK U BaByIe!!! @BlueMoose200


Edd jumped up from his textbook. "Sometimes I wish I had a new name..." He grumbled getting up and shuffled to the door. It, of course, was his loving but annoying boyfriend Kevin.

"Sup, dork."

"I was doing homework and you could have knocked instead of screaming my name."

"Sorry Double Dee. I Just wanna hang out."

"Kevin I said I was doing homework. And you should too!"

"Pfft, this is college Dee. I do it after I through enjoying myself."

"Yes, well thats a stupid policy. Now if you will excuse me.." He started to close the door.

"Hoho, what is wrong with you?" He asked disgusted by his usually warm welcoming attitude turn to a chilling and harsh attitude.

"Nothing is wrong I would simply take immense satisfaction is completing my
studies." Edd spat back feeling very moody and not up for arguing.

"Its not like I'm giving you an option babe, so you better clean that attitude up and lets go have fun!" Kevin grinned taking Edd's attitude as a joke.

"Yes well I'm not giving options either." Edd slammed the door in his face as his eye began to twitch. He tried walking to his desk but ended up stomping and throwing everything he could on the ground.

"Pesky pesky distractions..must finish work on t-t-time.." He hummed and began his work again.

Edd had been up since eight o clock...

Last night

He looked at his watch; it was 1 pm(or what his blurred vision told him). "S-seventeen hours..hehe." He chuckled and continued.

Edd had earned himself a solid 79 in his World History course and he was not stopping until he had earned a solid 90.

Kevin, on the other side of the door, balled his fists up and stormed off. He lifted his hoodie over his head and walked out of the dormatory and off campus to his car. He started up the engine, lit a cigarette, and drove off on the road.

"Think he could block me the hell out..." He took a drag and puffed the air out. "Hah, I'll show him." He growled and pressed the gas.

Kevin had no problems with his mental health. Yeah, he had a small habit of smoking and he had the worse temper ever but he was ok. He just hated being pushed away. Especially from those he loves. When he was a little boy, His parents couldn't both leave for work because Kevin would have a tantrum if he was alone; breaking things, screaming, crying, running out of the house, stuff like that.

"How dare he! I was trying to help him!" He shouted and pulled up to a bar that was hardly full since it was the middle of the day. He tossed the cigarette away and walk in.

The bartender waved at him. "Hey, Kev, pretty early yeah?" It was his old friend Jayvn(remember him, from AKev's Flashback?).

"Yeah, I know what time it is." He sigjed and sat on the bar stool.

"Guy troubles?" He asked leaning over the bar.

"I don't know...I tried taking DD out today but he completely shut me out. We've been dating for a while now and I want to make him feel like I actually give a damn about our relationship!" He said slamming his fist down.

"Maybe he was busy?"

"He was doing homework or some shit. But he the nastiest fucking attitude. It was like he was...disgusted to see me..." He looked down at the bar. Had Edd really been disgusted to see him? Had he fallen out of love? What was this feeling Kevin is feeling? His face read confussion and hurt.

"Ah, come on bro. Its not like he doesn't want to be with you. Did he say he didn't want to see you?" Jayvn dried a glass with a rag.

"He kinda made the impression that he had no intentions on even being bothered with me. So I guess I thought I should have fun on my own."

"Kevin, its 1 pm. You know that?"

"You fucking told me this Jayvn."

Jayvn ran his fingers through his floofy dark hair and then stroked his chin. "Look, man. Its college. He's trying to get good grades. Yeah Dee's a brainiac but he's still stressed right? Let him study and don't get mad at him." He said pouring him some scotch. "Drink up man." He smiled amd passed the tiny shot glass.

Kevin downed the drink; it was hard first but then it went down easy. "I'm trying man..."

Kevin stayed in the same spot until about 5 pm. He hadnt drank much but he was talking with Jayvn. He had a thing for POC; Jayvn being black and all. It turned him on. He didn't know if it was the 4 drinks he had or what but he was eagar to get into something.

Jayvn knew this look. He was a bartender, he had seen it countless times! Beside, Kevin had the same sexy look from 10th grade.

"Go to your boyfriend, Kev. I'm into all of that nice bi shit but there is no way in hell I'm the other guy or a ONS."

"ONS? One night stand? —Anyway, I just wanna get a little touchy, Jay. Come on pleeease?" Kevin pleaded. He had no option: Edd was pushing him out, Nat was with A all the damn time, and he was too gay for cheap whores.

Jayvn sighed. "Listen dude your my friend. I get your struggles. But, if I gjve you anything, Bj, Hj, anything...this will be the last time."


"C'mon." He said leaving the bar to go to Kevin's car. The two got in a drove to a seclude area.

"Can't believe you are doing this...cAnt believe I'M doing this!" Jayvn said getting to the back seat with Kevin following.

Jayvn bwgan undoing Kevins pants, who laid back on the door. Jayvn's conscious hit him. He couldn't be the source of Kevin's relationship problems. He had better things to worry about.

"I can't. This is wrong. You shouldn't do this. You can't do this." Jayvn sat back.

"I know, I would find no satisfaction in this. I'm sorry I made you do this." He sighed sadly. Kevin knew from the start this was wrong and was actually glad they stopped.

The two sat in the car in silence for a while still in shock they actually were going to have sex in the back of a car in an empty parking lot like two horny teens.

"We are so much better than this. Lets just keep this to ourselves." Jayvn said going back to the passenger seat.

"Bet." Kevin responded and got in the drivers seat, starting the car up and driving back to the bar.

When he arrived at his dorm, he laid back on his bed thanking God Nat was not around. He felt so crummy for trying to have sex with Jayvn. He didnt want to keep secrets with Edd but this was something he would not want to share, not even in with his mom.

Now that Kevin thought about it...Edd hadn't told Kevin much about himself. He had some questions! Like 'how come he hadn't known Edd was Spanish and French?' or 'why were his parents such douches to him?' He sat up from the bed mumbling to him self.

"I need some answers.."

Disadvantage Vol. 1. [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now