My Favorite Edd

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There is just something about burning...

Kevin sighed looking at his cigarette remembering a monologue he heard from a play one time. He had been standing out there for quiet some time now just thinking about nothing in particular. He was just there, leaning up against the brick wall awaiting his class to begin, watching the girls pass by, listening to their chatter.

"Ooh, he's cute! You should talk to him!" One girl said not clearly thinking about who Kevin was; she only cared to see her friend get rejected. Kevin chuckled to himself now thanking God he was gay.

"Him? Oh please, we go way back," Kevin recognized the voice and smiled. "He isn't a tough guy at all. He is super soft."

"Mm, he looks like a bad boy..." The first girl said causing Kevin to believe she was blushing.

"Nah, thats a big goof ball. Kevin is his name."

"I'm gonna talk to him." She says bravely.

"I wouldn't advise it."

"Why? Are you mad because he might say yes?" The first girl laughed.

"Nah, its because he's gay." A said laughing. She strolled over to Kevin leaving her friend behind.

"Thanks for that kid." He smiled. "I'd probably accidentally lead her on!" Kevin began to laugh.

"Yeah yeah don't mention it, red." She nudged Kevin's shoulder lovingly. The two began to walk around for a bit. The awkward silence killed them.

"So how are you? The baby and all." He asked rubbing his neck as if the topic was uncomfortable to talk about out loud.

"Well, I'm going to the hospital tomorrow because the doctors say 'spend the last 2 days in the ER it'll prep you for when you go into labor' or some shit like that." She laughed rolling her eyes.

"Ahh, its not that bad! I'll be there whenever you need me." Kevin says grinning throwing his arm over A's shoulder.

"I wouldn't ask for anything less!" The two began to laugh for no reason. It was moments like this that made the two feel more connected than they had ever felt. Best friends or otherwise, they just enjoyed each others presence.

A and Kevin met sometime in 9th grade. She was a new student and already quiet popular. Her family ran a big coffee production company called Bètside (bayside) but she didn't like talking about it since she was so humble.

Stoic was what she was, not too friendly and not too rude. Her hair wasn't as wild as it is today but close enough. She had two younger siblings, Bernie and Clarisse. Bernie was a much more Afro//Asian Eccentric boy and Clairsse was a bit air headed. Back to A. She wasn't one to go up and great you smiling like Clair, or African twists, Kimonos and wooden sandals like Bernie. She was one to give you a cold glare before walking away from you uninterestedly after you tried to be nice.

Her family decented to African Gods and Asian Deities with extraordinary powers. Crazy but it is true. Every 2nd generation, the 3 children are give the abilities of:

Incredulous strength and the clap of a mighty storm

The power of the elements at their command; earth, wind, fire, water, metal, energy; and morphing abilities to take the shape of whatever the child pleased.

And last, speed of lighting and relocation powers with the reflexes of a cheetah.

But, that very earth bending is what brought Kevin, Nathan, and A together.

"Look out!!" A cried out before a TV flew from the window above the multicolored haired boys.

The two were walking home from school one fateful Tuesday. For some reason they went to Nat's house instead of Kevin's so they had to walk through a sketchy neighborhood.

And for no particular reason, a Tv came crashing at them! But before it had finally crashed down, a giant slate of the concrete shot up shattering the Tv to pieces.

The block went silent, all eyes where on the young girl. Her hair was disheveled, coiling over her eyes to conceal her identity. But granted, the boys recognized her.

She had used her abilities in the human eye, something so formidable that she could be killed for it! But it was something about those boys.

That boy

That under bite of his was cute to her. His light peach freckles, those emerald eyes, and god oh god that burning red hair.

There is just something about burning...

So fine so pure.

The slightest flint and then


Disadvantage Vol. 1. [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now