Chapter 33

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It was official. Two weeks later I found out I was pregnant, and I was excited.

"Are you serious?" Henry asks when I tell him the news.

We're sitting in a coffee shop across from the office for lunch. "Yes." I say smiling again. "Awh congratulations." Henry says smiling.

"Thank you." I say smiling taking the paper cup from the barista. She nods and we both leave back to work.

"So Amanda she's officially leaving?" Henry asks. "Ya she was only an intern. Surprise?" I ask. "Yes she was so smart and mature." Henry says.

"Ya she's moving colleges, so when she moves she's going to be an assistant at one of our locations near by her." I say. "Awh that also means I'll be doing all the work." Henry groans.

"Oh no, we have an intern coming to fill her spot." I say reassuring him. "Oh okay great." Henry says smiling. "No you'll still be doing work." I say laughing as we enter the big building with a new name.

"Carmen-Dornan Publishing Inc."

It still had my last name but Jamie told me I should keep the name of my business but then again he also liked the feeling of me having his last name.

"Hey Tyler." I say walking into my office. Tyler nods his head at me and I smile before taking a seat at my desk.

After work I drive home with Tyler. Today we were having guest for dinner since my sister Marie was coming back from her mission thingy.

I find that Marie, Harrison, and Edward were already there in the living room with Jamie and the kids making small talk.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to the wedding." Marie says frowning at me. "It's okay." I say smiling. "The boys told me it was wonderful and beautiful." Marie says placing her hand on Edward.

I smile not knowing what to say and watch as Harrison starts talking to Jamie about school and him thinking about playing sports now.

"How's work?" Marie asks. "Good." I say smiling. Marie nods and Edward tucks one of her hanging bangs behind her ear.

"So we heard about you being pregnant!" Marie says excited. I smile brightly and nod. "Awh, how cute. Any name ideas yet?" Marie asks.

I shake my head frowning and Marie frowns. "I'm sure they would be cute." She says. I nod smiling and Jamie hands me a glass of water.

"So dinner it should be served soon." I say looking at my watch. "It's fine." Marie says assuring me. I nod and about five minutes later Sofia calls us for dinner.

The next day we heard that Jamie's sister Tori was getting married to her boyfriend we never heard about him.

"You seem surprise." I say to Jamie when he runs his hand through his hair. "Well ya Eleanor I never met the guy." Jamie says.

I smile and Jamie shakes his head. "I'm sure he's fine." I say placing my hand on his shoulder and kissing his cheek. "By the way I think you should shave that beard of yours." I say scrunching my nose.

Jamie chuckles and turns to kiss me.

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