Chapter Two

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"You're..." Is all I can say as I stare up at the tall boy. The light reflecting off of him proves how handsome he is. Bright green eyes look down at me and as he sighs, a dimple forms on his cheek. The picture off of the article does no justice to how he looks in person. 

He sighs, "yeah, I know. Do you want a picture now or something?" The playful tone he had moments ago is now gone. I furrow my eyebrows together at his sudden change of attitude.

"No, I'm trying to remember your name." I roll my eyes at his narcissistic comment and the boy relaxes, "You're telling me you don't know who I am." He raises an eyebrow and sets his long arm on the door frame. His voice isn't sarcastic or stuck up, it's sweet and slow, drawing me in. His body is leaning over mine, a small smile on his face. "Harry is it?"

His laughter is light as he nods, "Indeed I am, and you are?" He purses his lips as he waits for an answer, "Adelina." I tell him and his eyes burn into mine, causing me to look away, the intensity so strong. 

Harry hums. "I'll see you around, Addie. I hope I can call you that." I freeze momentarily, no one outside of my family has ever called me that, yet the nickname my mother gave me when I was young sounds Heavenly coming from his mouth.  A yawn slips past his lips, but they quickly turn up into a smirk, "Remember my tip, Addie and you'll be out like a light." He pulls his arm away from the door and it closes quickly behind him, leaving me alone.

What just happened?  I stand on the doorstep for a few moments as my mind replays the last ten minutes. Oh my God, imagine what Charlotte is going to say when I tell her what just happened. I shake my head and yawn, ready to crawl into my warm bed, but I can't help but revert to thinking about that clumsy boy on the lawn. His mood changed so quickly when the tiniest hint of him being famous was brought up and I don't understand why. 

When I reach the dorm it's almost four in the morning, meaning I have to be up in five hours. I groan and lie back on the bed. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I click on the Safari application and search a simple word. My eyes scan the members of Infinity, those being Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik and none other than Harry Styles. I read an article about the band and how they were formed, each artist being found on YouTube, then put into a band. The power of the Internet is crazy this day in age. I click on a music video, and begin watching. The song is catchy and I remember hearing it on the radio back home. They're not half bad...

I yawn as I click on another video, but I feel myself falling asleep as Harry's voice floods through the speakers.

* * *


I groan and flip onto my side, opposite of Charlotte's soft voice. I hear her huff before the blankets are ripped off of me, exposing me to the cold air of the dorm.

"Now that's how you get someone up! It's nine thirty, and we have class at eleven." She tells me and I sit up slightly, rubbing my eyes. I yawn as I trudge towards our closet. I grab a pair of jeans along with a dark green peplum top. I change into the outfit and slip on tan sandals. The community bathroom is crowded as girls scurry through the tight space and I huff when I see that all of the mirrors are being used.

"Here, you can use this one." A short girl with bright blue eyes says to me and I smile kindly at her, "Thank you so much, it's a little hectic around here." I laugh, making her join me.

"I'm Taylor," she smiles up at me, "Adelina."

The two of us talk while we share the mirror, bumping into each other every so often. I leave my eye make up fairly light, as I usually do. If I was able to do dark make up I would, but every time I try I end up looking like I have two black eyes. I purse my lips once more before bidding Taylor goodbye and heading toward my room.

"Do I look alright?" Charlotte asks as soon as I walk through the door. I eye her outfit; a blue and white T-Shirt dress paired with sandals. Her long blonde hair is pulled back into two French braids, and a long necklace sits on her chest.

I nod, praising her on her outfit of choice. She is so naturally beautiful it would be hard for her to look bad in anything.

"What if Harry is in one of my classes?" She squeals and my stomach churns at last night's encounter with the pop star. I bite my tongue, not ready to tell her quite yet because in the back of my mind I like that it's a secret. 

"Just be yourself, who knows he could fall in love with you like in one of those, what are they called? Fan fictions?" I tease her and she huffs, causing a laugh to fall from my lips. 

The two of us grab our backpacks; Charlotte calls it a rucksack, and we end up arguing about which term is correct for a few minutes before leaving the room.

"What class do you have first?" The blonde asks as we walk along the sidewalk. Many students fill the square and path as well, hurrying to get to their first class of the semester.

I pull out my schedule and scan it quickly, "Uh, World History." I roll my eyes at the class; I could care less about history, all I want to take is Psychology courses so I can finish school and open my own therapy practice here in London. I've always had a love for helping people, as well as traveling so when I heard about this school I immediately fell in love. 

"Mine is Maths, I'll see you at lunch!" She calls over her shoulder as she walks into the large building. I wave with a small smile and continue walking to class, many people talking to one another as they rush to their next class. 

My nerves are high as I see the brick building come into view. I know it's the right one because I circled each lecture hall on a map of the school. Being a freshman in college is hectic enough, let alone in a different country, so I felt the need to go a little overboard with my planning.

The wind blows, causing the thin piece of paper to slip from my hands and a helpless noise falls from my mouth as I rush to get it. Many people gawk at the embarrassing action which makes me debate forgetting my schedule and just printing out another one.

A light laughter falls from a boys mouth as he reaches to pick it up, "Happy first day." His tongue pokes through his teeth and his bright blue eyes shine.

"Tell me about it." I shake my head with a small smile as I take it from his hands, thanking him.

"Where are you from?" The boy asks noticing my accent, a small blush forming on my pale cheeks, "Tennessee." I tell him and he nods as he continues to walk beside me. "Why are you here? Wait, let me guess you wanted to go to school with the famous Harry Styles?" He laughs and I hit him playfully on the arm, "Yes you caught me." I gasp dramatically and begin to fan myself, causing the handsome boy to laugh harder.

"Louis Tomlinson," He grins and I shake his outstretched hand, "Adelina Phillips."

Thunder claps above us, followed by heavy rain droplets. Louis curses as the cold water begins to soak through our clothes and a small squeal falls from my mouth as we run toward shelter.

"We were so close!" I whine, rushing into the warm building. Rain falls from the ends of my hair along with my clothing and I wipe under my eyes, removing any make up that was ruined by the rain. 

"Hey, what a coincidence," Louis smiles, shaking his dark hair and pushing it to the side. The two of us stand outside of our history class, taking a few seconds to recoup from the mysterious downpour. 

He opens the door and I step in front of him, making the whole class turn to us with wide eyes, and a few snickers are heard through out the class room. A blush forms on my cheeks immediately, but being embarrassed and cold is the least of my worries when I see Harry Styles in the front row with a wrap on his ankle and smirk on his face. 

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