Chapter Thirty

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One Month Later

I sigh as I hurry through the airport, careful not to bump into any of the scurrying family members trying to catch their flight. It shocks me that it is so busy, considering it is an American holiday, but Heathrow is exceptionally crowded this morning.

My phone vibrates in the back pocket of my jeans and I move my heavy duffle bag to my right shoulder so I can grab it, but just as it vibrates for the last time, every tumbles to the floor.

"Shit." I curse, brushing my hair behind my shoulder. With a huff, I reach for my bag embarrassed. I look up to find a few children in the waiting areas staring at me making me shake my head and scurry away.

I'm excited about going home where I will finally be able to get away from everything that has been going on. Just as I round the corner to head toward my concourse a deep voice causes me to halt my actions.

"Hey Addie, it's Harry, obviously. I'm here by the bathrooms so call me when you get this, alright I love you."

My grin is wide and I can't help the eruption of butterflies that spread through out my stomach when I see Harry's tall, lanky figure leaning against the gray tile. His back is to me, the tight black T-Shirt exposing his muscles in the best way as he types on his phone.

"Oh my gosh, are you Harry Styles? I just love you." I practically squeal, making him turn around quickly. His green eyes are wide as his tanned face is flushed from being startled. My smile reappears and I see Harry physically relax, a grin spreading across his features as well.

"Is it normal to miss you so much after being a part for only a weekend?" He sighs as he wraps his long arms around me. I close my eyes and sink further into his hard chest, wanting to take in all of him.

"It feels so much longer. How was your mom's?" I ask and lean against the wall. Harry looks down at me and tucks a piece of dark hair behind my ear as he shrugs, "It was wonderful. I always love seeing her and Gemma. I wish you could have come with me instead of Mackenzie." Our eyes roll simultaneously and I try and shake the images that flooded the internet over the weekend. Of course I try not to get upset over it but I can't help the twist in my stomach at the sight of them kissing and holding hands.

"How long until her contract is over?" My voice in lifeless as I stare up at the beautiful boy. He stretches his neck and runs a hand through his hair; which seems longer every time I see him.

"One month baby, then you're all mine." I grin as Harry presses his lips against mine, and I immediately become lost in him. His hands cup my face as mine fist his dark locks. 

I pull away and rest against the cool tile of the wall to regain my breath and fix my hair. Harry stares down at me with a smirk making me roll my eyes at his cheeky behavior.

"Any word on Louis?" Harry asks as we walk toward our terminal to wait for our plane to arrive. I sigh, thinking of the awful afternoon that he got sent to the rehab facility. He was caught drinking and driving, and he ended up in a ditch just off of campus. The police gave him a breathalyzer test and it was .8 over the legal limit. Once that happened he knew that he had a problem and he admitted himself. 

"No, he has no phone so I have no way of contacting him. I just hope he's okay, I hated seeing him like that." I tell Harry and he nods, agreeing. He places his large hand on my thigh and rubs circles on the knee cap. 

I smile at the contact and rest my head on his shoulder. "I missed you." He smiles, his dimples coming into view and I pull back, poking the deep ridges. 

"First call for flight 366 to Nashville, Tennessee is now boarding."

"Let's go before we miss our flight you dork." Harry laughs and I gasp in mock hurt as he grabs our bags and throws them over his shoulder as if the weight is nothing.

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