Chapter Sixteen

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I think the first twenty four hours are the hardest when you're alone. All you have are your own thoughts, eating away at your sanity and all you can do is replay every single memory. The pictures don't help either; I've looked at all seventeen of them at least five times. My favorite is me leaning into grab my phone with a small smile on my face as Harry grins into the camera, dimple and all.

I feel like I'm being a little dramatic but personally, I don't care. I think it's the fact that I've never had any friends to lose. Charlotte and Louis were two people that I trusted with a lot. I would have never expected my own roommate to backfire on me. I didn't expect my friendship with Louis to end this way as well. Backfire is the perfect word to describe my life; to have the opposite effect of what was intended. My friendship with Harry is the one that shocked me the most. I never meant to fall for him, I had no idea what I would get myself into the night I helped him to his dorm. When we kissed I wasn't supposed to feel that way, I was never supposed to cry over him.

I called my mom when I got home last night. She listened to me as I cried and when I told her I wanted to go home she told me to suck it up and that I've worked too hard to throw it all away on some boy. She's right though, I have four whole years to figure out my place in this world and that was just a bump along the road.

I unlock my phone and pull up Louis' contact. My finger lingers above the call button, but I pull it away, locking it and throwing it back on my bed, just like I did the four times before. I know I need to apologize, I did lead him on and I hate myself for doing so. It wasn't fair to him at all and I regret it so much.

Before I realize what I'm doing, I am slipping on a pair of boots and heading out the door. A few girls stare and whisper as I walk but I brush it off my shoulder. The air is warmer than usual, surprising me, and by the time I near the Frat House a light sweat has beaded across my forehead.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath before walking into the house. My sudden boost of confidence evaporates when a few guys turn to me. I know I look bad right now, I haven't had anyone to impress.

"Can I help you?" A tanned boy asks in a snobby tone. He rakes his blue eyes up and down my body, making me cross my arms over my chest to cover up.

"Is, uh, L-Louis Tomlinson here?" I stutter profusely causing him to snicker, "no he's not, love. Check the football field, but if he's not there you are certainly welcome to come back." I scoff as he wets his lips before leaving the house quickly.

The campus is huge and I'm still getting used to it, so it takes me a few minutes to think about which direction the field is. I end up taking a left and hope it's the right way. What am I going to say to him? I'm sorry for everything, I'm so alone without you; no, too forward. I draw a blank as soon as the bright green of the field comes into view. I watch as the players scramble around, chasing the ball. I can tell it's just practice because Louis is on the sidelines, when in games he would be playing the whole time, he's that good.

A little while later, practice comes to a close and I wait for the brunette to head towards the locker rooms. Wow, I must look really creepy right now, waiting for him like this. His teammates look at me and I meekly smile at them and play with the ends of my long hair.

"Louis!" I widen my eyes as a blonde boy calls his name and nods his head in my direction, causing blue eyes to land on me. I stand still as Louis slowly approaches me. His torso is bare and he holds his jersey in his hands.

"Hey," He speaks quietly, trying not to look me in the eyes. I rock back and forth on my heels as the wind blows around us. "Hey."

He turns slightly as if he's going to leave, making me speak up, "I, uh, wanted to apologize again." I tell the brunette, making him sigh. "You said enough last night Addie, it's okay really." Louis tries to smile at me, but fails miserably.

"It's not okay, Louis. What I did was terribly wrong, I should have been more obvious to your feelings yet I was being selfish and I really hope you can forgive me." I tell him, hope clearly laced in my voice. He closes his eyes and places his hands on his knees, "if you do that shit again I swear..." His lips curl into a smile and I feel myself mirroring his expression. I rush into his arms and he lets out a laugh as he wraps them tightly around me.

Louis is so soft and cuddly in this chapter, I love him. Anywaaaay, I wanted to see what you guys thought about me posting only twice a week. I'm going to post a few more chapters then post every so often! Comment what days you think I should post and I may do just that! Keep commenting and voting, and share with you friends! I love you all xx

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