Chapter Fifteen

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I feel as if I have become frozen in my seat as two sets of blue eyes stare back into my hazel ones. I watch as Louis' face fall the longer he gazes at Harry and I. Charlotte grabs his arm and brings him closer and I slightly gasp when my thoughts bring me to reality; the texts. I told her where I was and who I was with and she sabotaged it, wanting to ruin my relationship with Louis for her selfish gains. 

"Why are they here?" Harry asks from behind me and I inhale deeply, "because I'm here with you."

They approach us and I cringe as the metal of the chair drags across the floor. Charlotte grins at the two of us widely as Louis lazily sits next to her, not looking at Harry and I. 

"What are you doing here?" I bite, making her laugh lightly, "I just wanted to see what the two of you were doing, silly."

"We're just having a meal, nothing serious." I say calmly, trying not to blow up in her face. She did this on purpose to try and get Louis against me. She's always been jealous that the two of us are friends. Imagine what she'd do if she knew I kissed him.

Charlotte hums. "Not fair to Louis though was it? Couldn't help but feel bad for him when he came to our door looking for you."

"I-I can explain." I look toward the brunette. His blue eyes are cold as he looks at me, "you didn't have to lie, Adelina." My name falls from Louis' lips as if it is venom and I shrink back immediately. 

"Lie about what?" Harry asks suddenly, causing the three of us look at him. Louis rolls his eyes, "she said she was with a study group but yet she's here with you." It's Harry's turn to turn towards me. "Why didn't you tell him the truth? Why couldn't you tell him you were with me?"

"It's complicated." I sound like a hypocrite as I use the word I have grown to hate.

He runs a hand through his hair and let's out a sigh, "what's complicated about this? We make out a few times and now you think we're bound together?" Harry's words make my breath hitch in my throat.

"I don't think that at all." My breathing is shallow as I think of the words to say, "but those didn't mean anything to you?" I ask him slowly, my voice is raspy as I try to hide the sob that could break through at any point.

"Addie, we're friends, like you said. It's nothing serious; I'm with Mackenzie now, I don't know what you want me to tell you." I bite my bottom lip and nod, unsure of what to say. I knew none of this was real; I didn't. He's famous for God's sake, he does this all the time. I let him get into my head.

"You two mess around?" Louis chokes, looking at me with wide eyes. I open my mouth to speak but he continues, "no Addie I don't want to here an excuse. I was so right about this, you've had a thing for him since the first day of class. You shouldn't have led me on. You shouldn't have fucking kissed me. Oh my God, you did it just to make him jealous, this all makes sense now. I'm a fucking idiot." He rambles and I shake my head. Tears stream from my eyes, yet I don't care, this is a nightmare that I never expected to happen. I need to wake up, please let me wake up. Oh wait, I can't.

"That's not true, Louis. I didn't ever mean to lead you on, I'm so, so sorry." I sob, closing my eyes.

Charlotte lets out a hum. "This is what happens when you want something you can't have." 

I snap my eyes open, glaring at my roommate who's been lying to me this whole time. "This is all your fault! If you hadn't of brought him here, this wouldn't be happening," I yell, pressing my hands on the table. I can feel Harry's eyes on me, but I tune him out as I continue, "this is what you wanted all along? So you could have Louis to yourself?"

The blonde sits up straighter and brushes her hair behind her shoulder, "I don't like when people mess with what's mine, Adelina." She turns toward Louis and I let out a laugh, "Louis is not yours and he's not mine. I'm not a threat to you, Charlotte! We're just friends, nothing more." He cringes and I want to cry more at the fact that I don't know what we are anymore, but I know right now we aren't on good terms.

"You just need to run along back to where ever the hell you came from. Hasn't everyone made it obvious that you're not wanted here? Just look at what you've done so far, and it's only been a few weeks. It won't be long till you're getting with the whole Fraternity." She bites, making me snap.

"You stupid bitch!" I yell, standing up from the table. I reach to lunge at her but Harry holds me back. The plate of food is pushed onto the ground and my drink threatens to spill. Charlotte's blue eyes are wild and her jaw is slacked as she stares at me. Louis' arms are extended, making sure the blonde doesn't fight back.

"Adelina." Harry coaxes, making me huff. I roll my eyes and sink further into the chair, causing him to fill with angst.

"Please listen to me. We need to go." I see his eyes on the door, where a small crowd has formed and cameras press against the glass, trying to examine what's going on.

I would rather walk home than be stuck in a car with him for twenty minutes, but I sure as hell don't want to sit in a car with that bitch and Louis. She was so nice to me, I don't know what happened.

I sigh and grab my purse while Harry sets down a twenty and strides toward the door. I follow closely behind him, as do Charlotte and Louis. As soon as Harry steps outside, screaming erupts and questions are being spewed at him. A smile forms on his face but I can tell it doesn't reach his eyes.

"Harry! Harry! Are you reverting to your old ways?"

"Are you cheating on Mackenzie?"

"Can I get your name sir? What is your relation with Harry?" I turn my attention to the paparazzi taking to Louis. He rolls his eyes and continues walking, the burly man continuing to follow him.

"Harry." I squeak as the girls begin to crowd around us, making it hard for me to breathe. I've never been one to handle large crowds well, as I've grown up with anxiety.

Harry gives his fans one last wave before reaching to grab my hand. I swat it away, making my stomach clench. We reach his car and he opens the door for me and I climb in silently. He gets in seconds later and speeds down the street. His fists are clenched around the steering wheel and I turn from him when he begins to look at me. His green eyes are the last thing I want to see right now. This car is the last place I want to be right now, hell England is. Maybe Charlotte was right, am I unwanted here? I'm just a girl from Tennessee, trying to fit in. Harry stumbled, literally into my life and there's no getting rid of him. He's etched into the back of my brain, he's in my every day thoughts.

"Adelina say something." He brings me back to reality and I sigh, "what's there to say? I think everything that needed to be said was laid out clearly on the table." My voice is hoarse from the tears and the yelling, yet I don't mind it.

Harry stays silent as we enter campus. The walkways are nearly empty, as are the parking lots. It confuses me, but when I look at the clock it's dinner time, meaning everyone must be out.

He stops in front of the door and I unbuckle my seat belt and reach slightly to grab my purse.

"Addie," Harry breathes, causing me to turn toward him. His eyes are dark and I sigh with a shake of my head as I try not to look into them, but they're addicting, along with everything else about him. He looks back at me with the most heartbreaking smile, causing me to look away, but his voice stops me in my tracks. 

"I'm sorry I can't be what you need me to be."

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