Chapter Thirty One

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My arms are crossed and my body is shifted toward the window of the car, creating as much distance as possible between Harry and I. My mother rambles on and on about how excited she is for the week and how much she has planned for the four of us.

I can see the dark headed boy gawking at me from the other side of the back seat, but I force my gaze to look out of the window. The familiar streets warm my heart slightly and I truthfully have missed my small town of Lebanon.

"Harry, you're being awful quiet back there." I turn my head sharply at my mom's comment, and I finally move to look at him. His eyes are focused on the black leather of the seat, his hands picking at the fraying liner. I watch as his tongue wets his lips before clearing his throat to speak.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Phillips, I'm just, um, taking in the scenery." His words are choppy but I don't think my mother notices his lie as a gasp escapes her lips, "How many times am I going to tell you to call me Elizabeth?" I see her smile at Harry through the rearview mirror and my heart clenches at his pitiful excuse for a smile, but I shake the feeling off immediately when I remember that he was the one that caused this.

I have no idea what to think right now, I don't think I've processed it all yet; the fact that he was with another girl willingly. Yet, I know what night he is talking about. He wasn't texting me that often, but when he did, his typing was messy and uneven and when I told him I loved him, I didn't hear from him until noon the next day. I just thought he was spending time with his family; little did I know.

My dad pulls in the neighborhood and I can't hold back the grin on my face. The mid 2000's style houses look the same as I remember, each lot having faded green grass with orange and yellow leaves scattered across the yard.

"Everything is still the same." I say simply as we turn into our driveway. The house is white with a simple porch, two rocking chairs overlooking the streets. The red door in the middle is bright as ever, giving our home a classic Southern look.

"Your home is lovely." Harry comments as we slip out of the car and I suck in a breath as his fingers press against my hipbone.

"Don't." I bite soft enough for only him to hear, making him remove his grip immediately. I sigh and round the car to grab my bag from the trunk. My eyes meet Harry's and I simply roll mine when he reaches to take my bag from him.

It's quite funny really; I would do anything to get away from him right now but the second I would leave, I'd miss him. It feels like it did before we started dating, but I know even now, I wouldn't take any of it back.

I walk into the door and take a look around, examining every inch of the living area and kitchen. It feels like I haven't been gone but a day because the coffee cup my mom used when I left is sitting on the counter.

"Are you two hungry? Addie, I can make your favorite; Mac and cheese." My mom grins widely at me as I nod, my stomach grumbling audibly.

"I'm just going to get my things unpacked and then I'll come downstairs and help you make it." My mother waves her hand in front of her face, "No you are going to relax. I'll get lunch ready." I sigh and stop at the edge of the staircase, "I've really missed you, mom." A small smile rests on my lips and I see her bright green eyes well with tears, "Go before I cry into the macaroni." I laugh loudly before bounding up the stairs and heading toward my room.

The door is shut and I take a deep breath before entering. Bittersweet feelings engulf me as I move to sit on my bed, the blue comforter bunching at the sides. The brown desk across from me still holds the few books I was interested in and pictures of me and my parents. A psychology book rests in the center and I get up and run my fingers across the binding. Flashes of me studying for hours upon hours last year flood my mind. The day I got accepted into the Psychology program was amazing; it was a dream come true really, and the dream keeps getting better the longer I'm there.

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